This season brings back so many fond memories of the past, even going back to when I was a young boy growing up in the snow country in Upstate NY. I think back upon how the Lord blessed me so richly, even with parents who loved me and provided for me and my sisters so we could know a peaceful and secure early childhood. Even though I can look back, I wouldn't turn back the clock for anything, not for a moment! I'm so grateful for what the Lord is doing today, I wouldn't want to miss a thing!
Here's an excerpt from something I wrote several years ago, The Story of Christmas that Should be Told.
"A few years ago, my wife (now, ex-) and I had hoped to have another child, but were very disappointed with a miscarriage that had quite an emotional impact on both of us. It was not long after that, while I was in a definite season of grieving, that I was led in my studies into the record of Matthew 2. I had read that chapter many, many times before, which gives an account of the decree made by Herod to put the young boys around Bethlehem to death in an attempt to eliminate the threat of competition for his position as King in Judea. On this particular day I began to consider how the execution of that decree must have impacted the community and in particular the mothers and fathers of the slain toddlers. Quite unexpectedly, the grieving I knew very personally for my own recent loss was replaced or displaced with something else. By a kind of transference, a deep and heavy grief with weeping came upon me as I identified with those parents. I was aware it was not a natural emotional kind of experience, but supernatural. The spirit of God was upon me. It was like an intercessory substitution because it was not for my loss but for theirs. In this state of having this open wound, I poured out my heart to the Lord about why these boys were allowed to be killed - about why He permitted such a tragedy. It was very intense and very personal. This experience continued for several minutes, and then, I was struck with a chilling conviction. The answer was given; I understood the reason why. I had never considered it before - but I immediately knew it to be true, and, that God was just. This is how the Lord led me to what I'm about to share with you; the story of Christmas that should be told."
Read more...Regarding the the celebration of Christmas, my friend Aaron found the following presentation, which pretty well answers the question for those who care to know, Should a Christian Celebrate Christmas? Thanks Aaron!