London, ON
October 2010
[Click here for more candid Thematic]
I'm going to bet that this guy had no idea his picture was being taken. I'm also going to bet that he was probably rendered temporarily blind by an apparent explosion of Jello-green brilliance.
I've never been much of a party animal, so I haven't spent huge amounts of time being bathed by laser light filtered through fog machines while dance music assaults my eardrums with the subtlety of a Hummer H1 churning through the dunes on a protected stretch of seashore. Yet I found myself entranced by the scene and wondered if it was even remotely possible to somehow paint it on a memory card.
Short answer: Yes, it is possible.
Long answer: I need to party a little more. Although I've never felt I needed to eat, drink and be merry to, you know, actually be merry, there's a certain coolness associated with tossing yourself onto the dance floor and just enjoying the moment. I won't be making a nightly habit of it, of course, but as an occasional escape, I suspect it'll be good for the old soul.
Your turn: Why we party. Please discuss.
One more thing: I know you've all been having so much fun with this week's candid theme, but all good things must eventually come to an end. New theme, sepia, goes live Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. If you've got any residual candidness left, click now or not-quite-forever hold your peace.