A place to sit and ponder
London, ON, October 2010
This photo launches a new theme and a new week for Thematic Photographic, our weekly photo sharing extravaganza. The theme? Black and white. The deal? Share a similarly themed pic on your site, then leave a comment here. Visit other participants. Repeat as often as you wish. And have fun with it, because that's the whole point.
As you mull over possible photos for this new theme, I hope you'll keep this in mind: Black and white isn't necessarily a color thing. Sure, you can go with monochrome shots all week and never run out of cool things to share. But you can also push the bounds a bit by, perhaps, not thinking in terms of colors at all. Black and white can be obvious. It can be contrasty. It can be stark. It can evoke a feeling more than a visual. Where you go with this is entirely up to you, and there are no rights or wrongs.
Your turn: If you're new to TP, click here for more background. If you're ready to dive in, I'll step out of the way and let you do just that. Enjoy. And thanks.
One more thing: This pic has a story (I know, I know...they all do, but still.) I may share it later this week if you wish. Let me know. This just in: I've posted the story here.