Following up from the previous post, my listing of resources does not suggest a blanket endorsement of everything in or related to any of them. Even I were to give such an endorsement, it's no less incumbent upon you to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. Eat the fish and spit out the bones, if you will. This caveat should be in mind when you read what I write here on this blog or in any email, and even when you read the Bible. No version exists that "gives understanding," per se. It's required of us to prove what is encountered by personal interaction with the Truth on the most engaging levels.
There are many instances to be found where you'll encounter some version of what I just wrote, then, relaxing your guard, you're set-up for the immediate subtle deployment of the doctrines of demons. Beware. Don't let your guard down. These are perilous times.
With that said, there are some valuable examples and suggestions contained in those works, and I praise the Lord for those who have had the courage to bring them forward. I could set out to generate another version, one more personal, but what I really have to give is what might be considered adjunct material, particularly intended for the small number of people who will actually receive it.
I don't want to give the impression that I've already mastered what's in the other works referenced. Unfortunately, as some of you know quite well, that's not the case, yet with the Lord's exceeding great mercy and appointment of grace I intend to persist and move forward. I'm still getting an education, and what I'm learning at the present is, frankly, grievous.
If any of this is mock humility or just a show, I'm toast, and I'd like to expand on that a little.
We recently crossed over a threshold into the season of judgment appointed for the church. Signs are confirming what some have received through word of knowledge. The earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand was a notable sign that was marked by the miraculous sparing of life, which followed large earthquakes in Haiti and Chile that were marked by loss of life. The 33 men who were all delivered alive out of the mine in Chile was a dramatic sign. On the 24th of November, as I write, 29 miners trapped in New Zealand's South Island's Pike River mine are all believed to be dead, following a second explosion. While it's too soon to say what the outcome will be, and I don't have insight into detail about this as a sign, this does speak to me in foreboding tones, echoing what I have felt since Yom Kippur. Judgment has arrived. Some will survive the shaking. Others will fall into the pit of destruction. The difference is most basically with regard to humility. Will we accept the Lord's commands and obey, or, will we resist, struggling and striving in rebellion? Mock humility and make-believe is being exposed. The work of the cross of Christ in crucifying the flesh simply is not optional.
Now, what I shared in the last post that had happened to me above eight years ago led very quickly to a number of validations. Each of these was pretty dramatic, but one in particular is more relevant. I was on the phone with a friend, telling him about my recent experience. With enthusiastic reference to the "Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit" book I had just finished reading, I remember exclaiming to Glenn how John Paul Jackson really nailed it! Glenn's response kind of floored me. He said, "Did he really nail it?" Huh? When I asked him what he meant, Glenn asked me if John had addressed headcovering. When I told him that Mr. Jackson didn't, he simply replied, "Well, I guess he didn't really nail it then, did he?" It hit me. WOW! I got it. That was a huge revelation insight!
If you're scratching your head about that, the point of connection is the matter of authority.
To be continued, Lord willing.