Thematic Photographic 128 - Favorite Photos of the Year

Time passed it by
London, ON, October 2010
Quick note: Thematic Photographic is our regularly scheduled non-competitive photographic sharing and learning activity. For more background on how it works, please click here, or read on and all will be explained.
We're going to have some fun with this theme. First of all, it's going to run for THREE weeks instead of the usual one. Second of all, the theme, Favorite photos of the year, is a lot more wide-open than it typically is.

Basically, if it's your favorite photo, we want you to share it. Even if you just like it a lot, we want to see it. And we want you to keep sharing as many faves as you've got. We'll be doing this until Thursday, January 6th, inclusive, so you've got lots of time to reach into the archives and come up with pics that really touched you and everyone around you. And we want you to encourage new folks to join in. Because we're that needy.

Why this theme and why now? Because following specific themes week after week means some pictures inevitably get left out. We can interpret 'em six ways from Sunday, but sometimes a picture just doesn't fit. So it sits. And sits. And gathers dust. And is eventually forgotten.

This prospect makes us sad, and we don't like sadness here at Written Inc. So we want you to go through all the pictures you've taken this year and pull out all of the ones you love the most. Post 'em to your blog, then leave a comment here letting us know where to find them. If you posted them already, share the link, anyway, because going back in time is a good thing. Repeat as often as you want, because this'll be going on for three weeks. So you'll need a lot of pictures - and maybe a bigger boat.

Are you game?

Your turn: Thematic Photographic is our weekly photo sharing activity here at Written Inc. If you're familiar with how it works, feel free to dive right in. For background, please click here. Oh, and have fun, because in the end that's the only thing that matters!

One more thing: This scene first appeared here. I just love when you get to look at the same slice of the planet from different perspectives. Don't you?
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