The devil's in the details
Laval, QC, August 2010
This is another one of my favorite photos from the past year (please click here to share yours.) It makes the cut for a number of reasons. First, I've always had a thing for car headlamps. And since the style these days is to dress 'em up with even more complex designs - seriously, it's like jewelry for cars - I've got lots of new subject matter to work with. Second, I like the meta story behind this particular shot.
We were visiting my in-laws and mom in Montreal, our first big road trip in Debbie's new car, Chloe. I found myself hovering around the car more often than I usually do, looking for interesting angles and reflections. This one made me wonder if one of the designers wasn't a frustrated sculptor in a previous life.
Your turn: Click the photo to enlarge it. What's going on here? Use your imagination :)