Down to the concrete slab
London, ON, February 2009
About this photo: It's Thematic Photographic's night-themed week. If you've got a pic that was taken at night, or simply reminds you of it, please click here to share it.Ongoing economic uncertainty means scenes like this remain common across the urban and suburban landscape. There's a poignancy to gigantic spaces that used to be such vibrant centres of commercial activity. They were once micro-communities unto themselves, islands of connectedness that never seemed to stop moving.
This place, for one, had most definitely stopped moving by the time I found myself on the outside peering in. It was a bitterly cold night, and the forlorn light filtering out onto the snow-covered parking lot was almost an invitation to take it all in. Since it isn't my nature to be rude, I accepted the invitation and trained my lens on the remnants until the cutting winds not-so-subtly whispered it was time to head home.
Your turn: Why do some nighttime scenes seem so sad?