...or is it Snowmageddon? Snow-a-rama? Snowopolis? I've seen various terms tossed around on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere, so I'm not entirely sure that any one of them applies more than any other. But just having the discussion in the first place strangely brings me comfort.
My language issues notwithstanding, I thought this picture was kinda neat. I had been shovelling a bit around the driveway, and accidentally brushed my elbows against the ginormous snowpile on top of my car. (Disclosure: I really like pristine, undisturbed snow. I feel a little jot of stress when a perfectly formed surface of snow is ruined. It strikes me as needlessly messy. My name is Carmi and I am snow-retentive.)
After staring at the results for a few minutes - a very cathartic few minutes - I concluded that my Henrietta now reminded me of one of the human-faced vehicles from the Pixar movie, Cars (and, presumably, the upcoming Cars 2.) Maybe that snow-retentiveness of mine is starting to ease.
Oh, yes, the snowpocalypse: The entire city will spend another day in hibernation tomorrow. It's Snow Day #3, and our children are beside themselves with joy. I admit I like it, too. This is one of those tremendously rare experiences that they'll hold onto well into adulthood, and I'm enjoying watching it through their eyes.
Your turn: Do you remember a major weather event from your childhood? Do tell!