We made them
London, ON, October 2010
I thought I'd wind down this week's "family" theme (go here if you want to squeeze in a last-minute pic of your own) by closing the loop a bit. We started the theme with the five of us, and I'll end it with the three folks we've been busy raising for 16, 13 and 10 years, respectively.
Not a day goes by that I don't shake my head at some point and wonder how we ended up being the parents of three intensely uniquem bright and engaging children. Once upon a time, they didn't exist, and now, an entire world, our world, revolves around them.
It's a world that gives me slivers of grey hair, tiny-but-growing wrinkles at the corners of my eyes and a general feeling of fatigue that never seems to go away. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Because of the three mini-Levys in this picture, our family's life has taken on a life of its own. They define who we are, challenge us right up to - and beyond - our perceived limits and never let us forget how much they matter.
Watching them interact with others and with each other is a joy to behold, and I'm glad we've been blessed with the opportunity not just to be parents, but to be their parents.
This is what family means to me, and it's been a privilege to explore it with you all this past week.
Your turn: How do you define the word "family"?
One more thing: Our new Thematic Photographic theme launches tonight - 7:00 p.m. Eastern, so I hope you'll come on back and make this next theme one to remember. What is that theme? Ooh, I suspect you'll like it:
Favorite photos of the year
Even better, we'll be exploring this theme for three consecutive weeks (!) So start churning some ideas around what you'd like to share, and pop back in after 7 tonight to start sharing. This is going to be fun.