Can you bend light?

West Palm Beach, FL, December 2010

I may not be able to bend light, but that doesn't mean I won't elbow someone else's bratty kids out of the way so I can grab this image of a science museum exhibit.

Okay, I didn't elbow anyone. I'm Canadian, and we're way too polite to ever behave in that manner. Rather, I waited patiently for the bratty kids to ADHD their way to the next display - "ooh look, over there...shiny!" - before taking out my camera and having some fun in the almost-dark. It was a quick, improvised shot that probably shouldn't have turned out remotely decent. But I was having a good day in a cool place with my wife and kids, and somehow I got a little lucky.

Sometimes, this camera thing can be a kick.

Your turn: How do you shoot in crowds without getting everyone else's elbows - or worse - in the frame?

One more thing: This photo supports the latest Thematic theme, curves. It's nowhere near too late to share your own, so click here and have fun with it.

Like Saturn's rings...

Abstract light
London, ON, February 2010
[Please click here to share your own curved vision]

This is another one of those abstract-in-the-everyday moments that literally appeared to me when I looked up. I was at an indoor playground, of all places, watching the kids frolic with their friends, so it wasn't exactly a prime photographic environment. If we're being brutally honest, it was hellish, with hastily painted surfaces assaulting my eyes, screaming children assaulting my ears and a growing migraine working its way through my brain stem.

But even the most barren deserts have their charms, and such was the case on this day. For a brief moment, I found solace in a neat example of optics in a place where no one else seemed to care.

Your turn: What's the most desert-like place where you've taken compelling photos? Can you share one?

One more thing: Possible song reference in the title. Guesses?

Dripping wet

The pause that refreshes
London, ON

February 2010

[Click photo to embiggen]
About this photo: It's curves week and you're invited to the curvy party. What the heck am I talking about? Click here and all will be explained.
You'll laugh if I tell you where I captured this photo. I will say that it reinforced my long-held belief that soul-stirring moments happen in the most surprising places, and you can't stop yourself from drinking them in just because people gather around you in a semi-circle and stare at you like you're nuts. Do it anyway and forget what anyone else thinks.

You know, the more I do this photo thing, the more I realize that the lessons I'm learning behind the lens pretty much apply on the other side, too. Learning about life by spending time with a Nikon: Who would have thought?

Your turn: What has photography taught you?

Part 14 - See, it's the "i" of Horus! io9 - We come from the future

The Eye of Horus signaled by the letter "i" is powerful because it has the homonym value of "i" and eye, it's the 9th letter of the alphabet (9 signals the triple-helix genetic transformation of the mark of the beast), it mimics the form of the pyramid with a detached capstone, and it appeals to the carnal nature as a reference to self.

The io9 branding has lots of this Eye of Horus imagery at work. The creepy head is signaling Horus "who rules with two eyes," because the left eye is obscured. The i has the dot offset, which provides visual balance with the 9 because the dot matches to the leg of the 9. The i is the 9th letter, and they are calling out the equivalence with symmetrical matching. The symmetry is rotational, as around the "o" that is itself an eye.

The creepy looking head has a bindi dot that signals the activated third eye, the eye of Horus, a reference to the pineal gland. With half her hair shaved, the patch on the scalp suggests that the activation has come through cybernetic modification, an implant. The antenna or electrical nodes suggest mind control.

The slogan "We come from the future" references travel through the time portal via that activated pineal gland. This also references gnosis by suggesting that this eZine's content comes from the future. The translucent style of the graphic features the lighting, alluding to the illumination that accompanies the activation of the Eye of Horus.

I don't buy the "we come from the future" bit, but I would say their logo designer had help from those who come from another dimension. The io9 Team does present some very interesting and forward looking reports on the site.

One example is - Scientists make next-generation computers with gold and DNA (1/28 - io9)

Another example is -
What happens when advertisers try to control your mind (1/27 - io9)


We don't need to control your mind to control you

In a way, the new Facebook "sponsored story" ads are aimed at turning your Facebook updates into viral advertisements against your will. We asked viral media expert Douglas Rushkoff what he thought of the new Facebook model, and he told us by e-mail:

The thing that's spooky here is not just that advertisers can get leverage by using the comments of "real people." It's that our behavior as consumers is itself being retrained. We are to feel like we are living in the ads. Whether or not any of our comments is actually chosen, it could be. It's like a panopticon, where the surveillance is all that is required to change our behavior. Those of us who remain on Facebook are now ever closer to identifying completely as consumers, trying to please the corporations.

The truly scary part is that you can't opt out of Facebook's sponsored story model. So you're about to start advertising products to your friends, whether you like it or not.

The io9 staff do seem to be pretty aware, making some good observations, and not all their reporters and editors appear to have taken the third eye activation route. I found the following video embedded there, which is worth watching. [video] Facebook Sponsored Stories

If you understand about the influence of symbolic logos and what it means to weave them into people's lives in such a way you may see this development as yet one more effort to herd the sheeple of the world toward the mark of the Beast. When it's offered, no hesitation or even thought will be given to the choice by most. That's the plan. If you're on FaceBook, it may be that the time to bail has arrived.

25 years after Challenger

I'm a day late, but I still didn't want the quarter century anniversary of the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and her crew to slip into history unnoticed.

I just finished watching the Progress 41 cargo ship dock to the Pirs compartment on the International Space Station. Twenty-five years and a day after Challenger tumbled into the Atlantic, the fantastically complex and near-miraculous business of space continued uninterrupted some 220 miles above our heads. And I got to watch it from my netbook as I wandered around the house excitedly showing the Internet-streamed spectacle anyone I could find.

I'm nowhere near convinced we've learned our lessons from that terrible morning a generation ago - among them, communicate with each other, and appreciate that any technology is subject to the same weaknesses inherent in those who created it - because since then we've lost another orbiter and witnessed the slow dismantling of America's space program.

President Obama may have been trying to evoke JFK when he dropped the "Sputnik moment" line during last week's State of the Union address, but the sad reality is western society no longer believes space exploration deserves priority treatment or funding. The myopia which had clouded U.S. space policy decisions since the end of the Apollo era is showing no signs of clearing up. If anything, it's worsening. Which makes me wonder what the astronauts who died trying to build a space-based future would have thought.

Your turn: Does space exploration have a future? Should it? Why/why not?

One more thing: I'm a bit of a space-head, and have written about this subject both on this blog and in print in years past. Here's what I wrote five years ago, and here's a column I wrote in the wake of the second shuttle accident.

When life throws you curves... throw them right back.

I've lost count of how many curves I've fielded over the last couple of years. It would be easy to add them all up and conclude that life is a never-ending excuse to feel down.

But here's the thing: that would be a mistake. The point is, as challenging as life is, it's probably the one biggest gift we'll ever receive. My late dad used to say he woke up this morning, and nothing else beyond that mattered. He was right.

So for the next week as we contemplate curves and how they arrive in our midst, I hope we'll consider the fact that there are two sides to any curve. Whether we choose to focus on one side or the other is entirely up to us.

Your turn: What does the bright side of your curve look like?

Part 21: Jezebel vs Sarah - Love is Genuine

In the previous post in this series, insight was presented into why it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in church. For those who are able to receive it, arguments to the contrary fall away, holding no sway over us. Our striving ceases when the Lord touches our hearts and grants us insight into his greater purposes, His kindness and generosity. It has been my prayer and purpose to labor such ...

17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
Ephesians 1:17-18a

Something of a high water mark has now been reached in this series. As the Lord grants favor, there may be more to be brought forth, but the essentials have been laid out and we have come to a season of accounting. What are you and I doing with what has been presented? If this work is merely of me, or Paul, dismiss it, but if you have perceived the Lord's voice and been convicted of a thing, pay it heed. I've been very forthright about judgment having come upon the church. Today is not like yesterday, make no mistake.

In this post, dear brother or sister, is a most sincere appeal for you to yield to the direction being given. The holy spirit has been bearing witness through this series of posts by mercy and much grace that a necessary work is at hand, a deliverance from the grip of Jezebel and her control for those who will be free.

The spirit of holiness is testifying that some of you are very close to breakthrough but are holding back, holding on to what you hold to be of value but is for you but a snare. Let it go. This is a love test, and you are failing. What you cling to has not been your salvation and will never be your salvation. It has been your idol and it is your choice, now seeing it, to let it go. You have been brought this close. How sad to come this far and no further. The Lord is whispering, "trust me."

There have been times in my life where someone has addressed me by the spirit of God and the resulting impact was akin to whacking me upside the head with a ball bat, or tossing me into an icy river. Where I had been asleep in the darkness I came to be dramatically awakened, instantly delivered from dark and oppressive spirits. I thank God for those times and the folks who loved me. I can't be where you are, personally, but let me tell you, who are hearing and are not doing, that this is your wake-up call. WAKE UP!

What next step there may be for you depends upon this step you now take. For some, perhaps you, there is no other path. WAKE UP! Act upon what you have received.

You may be thinking perhaps the Lord might snatch you away and what He has laid before you will therefore vanish without consequence. WAKE UP! If you were judged in this moment or the next, having neglected to heed the Lord's command, would you find undue favor?

If you have come to an awareness of how such as corporate logos and even the "Christian" cross and "Jewish" star are graven images and that a curse with blindness has come upon us according to disobedience, can you look me in the eye and tell me you can permit a woman to speak in church and not suffer some similar consequence?

Do you think obedience was required of the son of God but is not also required of you? Obedience was required for Paul, Peter and the other apostles, and so I ask right now if it's merely optional for you and I? You may say to me that obedience is required but you will turn away and deny it with your deeds. Will the Lord honor us when we dishonor Him? It is time for you and I to grow up. The time to allow what deceives us is past. What things that have been brought forth in this series such as the braiding of hair, head covering, a woman teaching a man or speaking in church, are such as these too much to be asked of you and I? I pray it is not so. Help us Lord.

Whether it is selfish ambition or some human relationship, help us, Lord, to let it go now, because you are worthy of our love.

As this challenging series of posts continues, I ask as I frequently have for your patience as this work is brought forth here and in your life. Yet, do not confuse patience in the Lord with procrastination, putting off for tomorrow what should and must be done today.

Thematic Photographic 132 - Curves

Waiting for a cruise
London, ON, November 2010

I've always had a thing for the Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, especially in its convertible form. It was - and still is, for those lucky enough to own one - a lovingly designed car that happened to be relatively affordable. Time has been good to the Karmann, and it ranks, to me anyway, as a timeless example of thoughtful, functional engineering.

I think this well maintained example of the breed is a great way to launch our new Thematic Photographic theme, curves. I hope you're game for some curvy fun with your lens over the next week.

Your turn: The deal is fairly simple. Just take a picture with a curve in it and post it to your blog. Leave a comment here, and visit other participants to spread the joy. Feel free to share already-posted or archival work, too. Don't be afraid to stretch the bounds when deciding how to interpret the theme - there are no rights and wrongs here. And have fun, because that's why we do this. Click here for more background on how Thematic works.

Into the blue forest

Painted by the fog
London, ON, February 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]

A neat thing happens in the early morning fog as the light tends to shift toward the blue side of the spectrum. I'm pretty sure there's a valid optical reason for it, and I'll leave our budding physicists to explain the intricacies of it all.

The only thing that mattered to me at the moment I took this was making sure the picture reflected that mysterious sense of quiet that settles over a place when the fog rolls in. It isn't just that the sounds were hushed - they, of course, were - but rather that the silence managed to embed itself deep inside my head.

When the only thing you can hear is the sound of yourself thinking, you know it's a special moment that deserves a bookmark of some sort.

Your turn: How do you define true silence?

One more thing: This photo supports our blue Thematic theme. Feel free to click here if you'd like to share yours (you know, it's never really too late!) And check back later today - 7:00 p.m. Eastern - when we launch our next weekly theme. What will it be? Well, what would you like it to be? We're happily taking suggestions in comments.

Corvette summer

Crossed flag classic
London, ON, July 2010
About this photo: It's Thematic's blue week. Click here. Because life's always a little sweeter with a bit of color.
Logically, this automotive badge makes no sense. The car to which it is attached is not propelled by a turbocharged engine. Close inspection of the vehicle reveals no evidence of anything remotely resembling a jet, either. It's eight cylinders of normally aspirated American open-road glory, folks, and marketing precision is proudly not part of the equation.

In a similarly logical vein, I know that this car, engineered around the time Canada celebrated its hundredth birthday, falls far short of modern automotive standards for performance, efficiency and safety. Today's vehicles can go faster on less fuel, with far greater levels of protection for their passengers. I'm pretty sure the four-door grandpa-mobile I rented on our recent vacation had more horsepower than this thing - not to mention enough room for our luggage. And a fairly decent in-car entertainment system, too.

But here's the thing: None of that matters when you come face-to-face with an icon of automotive history. Logic means little when the engineering and design of a bygone era reach across the decades and hold you, riveted in place, as you stare at every lovingly conceived curve.

Is it as optimally aerodynamic as your neighbor's Prius? Does anybody really care? This is as close to driveway art as we're ever going to get, so I'm content to just hang out beside it for a bit, content in the knowledge that today's eco-conscious, PC world still has room for pieces of history that still inspire.

I doubt my kids will have similar moments in their driveways 30 years on with a 2010 Toyota Camry.

Your turn: Why does history intrigue us?

Links of interest

Here's a collection of links of interest.

I AM NUMBER FOUR - a coming DreamWorks movie - 2/18/11 - also here and here

Global food chain stretched to the limit

S 510 Fake Food Safety bill passed by Senate by The Vigilant Citizen

Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots

Obama touts Internet ID for all US citizens

The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom

TRANSCENDENT MAN, Film Heralding the Coming Singularity, Launches February 2011 via New Distribution Model - Ray Kurzweil

[video] Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF

Docs Detail CIA’s Cold War Hypnosis Push

Mexico to pioneer iris technology on ID cards

PositiveID Corporation Completes Development of Temperature-Sensing Microchip

A Brain-Recording Device That Melts Into Place


Dalai Lama goes 3D with mandala

IBM to digitize records for Russian hospitals

Why does Disney hate parents? Ever noticed your favourite films always kill off Mum and Dad

Nickelodeon’s Illuminati-Themed Show “House of Anubis” Hits America by The Vigilant Citizen

“HOUSE OF ANUBIS” - Yet ANOTHER Nickelodeon Illuminati-themed program hits America…

Welcome to the urban jungle

London, ON, July 2010
[Please click here to share your own blue-themed vision]

The typical street in the typical city is littered with buildings designed to provide shelter for the lowest possible cost. Gargoyles, patinas and flourishes have no place today's bottom line economy. In their place we get cinderblocks, straight lines and a decided lack of anything remotely unique.

The result: Streetscapes that don't vary from one part of town to another. Indeed, towns themselves have little to differentiate themselves from others. It's a never-ending stream of sameness, and it's easy to understand when folks simply decide to stop paying attention. Why bother if it's all the same?

Well, even among the sameness, there's variation. In this case, I was standing in a gas station when I noticed this concrete-painted mural. They pop up here and there in our burg, little slivers of art where you least expect them, the perfect antidote to the epidemic of sameness.

Your turn: Can small things like this make a difference?

Taking Facebook to work

Lots of Canadians use social media while at work. I'm sure we're not alone, of course, but a story in the Toronto Star last week contained some eye-popping numbers on just how pervasive it is.

I spoke with CTV News Channel's Marcia Macmillan on Sunday afternoon about all the time we're apparently frittering away updating our statuses and tagging each photos of each other. My conclusion? It's not as dire as it looks. Here's the video.

Your turn: Do you use social media at work? For personal use? Professional? Both? Does your boss know/care? Should this even be an issue?

Part 13 - See, it's the "i" of Horus! Twenty-One Laps and the London 2012 Olympics logo

Continuing the survey of "Eye of Horus" imagery, more examples featuring the themes of illumination, DNA transformation and the mark of the Beast are presented, including one with some surprising date signaling!

The animated logo of twenty-one laps entertainment presents Eye of Horus imagery like Pixar's logo animation but does so very differently. Watch this a few times: [video] 21 Laps Entertainment Logo. (This video appears embedded on the blog and in some other contexts. If you don't see it, you can either click on the link above or click on the post title to view on the blog.)

This logo has a retro look, hearkening back to Star Trek, Star Wars and even the 1982 sci-fi classic Tron with its light cycle racing. ([video] Tron Lightbike Scene) That Disney movie is enjoying popularity at the present time with a 3D remake currently in theaters. Tron has a theme that compares to George Orwell's "1984," with a "Master Control Program" instead of Big Brother. It points forward in time to the Beast kingdom, but that's not the focus of this post.

The twenty-one laps logo is a sideways "21" followed by an "L." To see the stylized 21 we have to rotate the logo clockwise.
Since we're already required to rotate it to present the 21, if we keep following their subliminal leading we disclose an "i" dotted with a figure that completes the stylized "R" - an Eye of Horus! The Eye is illuminated, appropriately back lit with a bright sunny light!

During the 21 Laps logo animation, lines traced by lights form the main elements. The central element that becomes the numeral "2" is completed by fusing its two parts together. At the fusing of the parts a brightly illuminating eye with a pupil appears, another illumined Eye of Horus!

Each element is formed with six strands, presenting us with three sixes, 666. Some secondary design elements appear that are perhaps simulated lens or diffraction artifacts, three hexagrams. This trio of six sided figures presents another 666.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:18

The logo has three primary elements, the 2 and the 1 and the L. Given the embedded Eye of Horus and Mark of the Beast symbolism, we should recognize this as the signaling of the related regeneration and triple-helix DNA, the windings of which were suggested early in the animation by the twisting lines.

Returning our attention to the logo's stylized 21, the rotation that presents the Eye of Horus as resembling the letter "R" may also be recognized as a numeral 12. This insight exposing the 21 and the 12 suggests a date many are very accustomed to seeing these days! The date represented as 12/21/12 is purported to be the ominous end point of the Mayan long count calendar, the resolution of many esoteric crop circles and the result of other notable observations. The graphic you see on the right has the 21 flanked by a pair of counter-rotations to present the date.

While that date signaling is notable, there's another in view that is, to me, the far more interesting! I'll get to that shortly.

Dark Olympic Glory

The odds this unscrambles so readily by mere chance is probably equivalent to the odds of the London 2012, Vancouver 2010 and Beijing 2008 Olympic logos unscrambling to render the word ZION by chance. Right. Slim indeed.

While we're on the subject of the infamous logo representing the 2012 Olympics in London, I want to point out something I never noticed until just now (Thank you Lord!). Depending on how you look at it, there's either one or two overlapping versions of the Eye of Horus embedded within! One version features the dot used to dot the "i" in Zion as the pupil of an eye that is ringed around by the other elements. Yes, it's another kind of "i" of Horus. The yellow "glow" of this color scheme presents the typical illumination of the symbol. The other version of the Eye of Horus is an "R" when you consider the legs below. You can either look at this as an R that ignores the upper half of the logo, the 20 part, or that includes it to form the ring around the pupil of the eye.

Now, this is really amazing! The Eye of Horus theme is a perfect fit with the "Bart and Lisa Simpson as Adam and Eve" theme! The oral sex act recognized so popularly references the activity in the Garden of Eden, appearing in the logo as Satan's boast of that great conquest. Merging the Eye of Horus imagery with that reference to the activity in the Garden of Eden is brilliant evil. The following passage will speak to those of you who understand what I've been teaching (See here for more detail: Who is Cain's Father? Part Three) about the range of sex acts in the Garden and the promise of illumination and gnosis that is implicit in the Eye of Horus.

4) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5) For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6) And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7) And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Genesis 3:4-7

The logo is a very clever piece of work, which must be attributed to the demonic familiar spirits who directed the designers! The vast sum of money spent on this unpopular logo appears to me to be a better bargain for the Olympic committee every time another layer of occult signaling is brought to my attention!

Since those Olympic folks are all about the Greek history of the gods, you can go ahead and call their illumined eye imagery the Eye of Apollo if you like. It works all the same. We know who they mean. The Antichrist Beast won't much care what you've called him.

I just discovered another blogger had ID'd the 2012 Olympic mascots as Eye of Horus all seeing eyes. Check out his Another Voice blog post.

Pythagoras Signaling

Now, the 21 is not the whole of the logo, there's a featured "L" for "Laps." The L kind of forms an eyebrow of the Eye of Horus but it also has a signification in its own right that works the same no matter how its aligned. An L is an implied right triangle, assuming a closing leg or hypotenuse. Such an object with integer side lengths is also known as a Pythagorean triangle. Anyone who studies the symbols of Freemasonry and their origins for very long discovers how important the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras is to them. His work with geometry is essential to building construction and architectural design, the core activities of the guild of Masons.

The number three is inherent in the triangle as the number of sides, inner angles and outer angles, Three is the number of regeneration and DNA transformation. "Three Times Three" elements produces 9, the single digit number of the triple helix DNA transformation, and is also the name of a Freemasonic ritual that points to that same transformation.

Another feature that makes the right triangle a popular signal is how it presents the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men in a way similar to the cross, where a vertical represents the male heavenly sons of god and a horizontal represents the female earthly daughters of men. Such a figure is a simple and more obscure equivalent to the ubiquitous square and compass of Freemasonry. In any and every alignment of this figure, the sides adjacent to the right angle are the parents that produce the hypotenuse as their offspring. They are as the Egyptian trinity Osiris, Isis and Horus, and the focus is ever upon the reproductive element that will produce the Beast and the mark of the Beast.

In this picture of a common pin worn by Freemasons, the square and compass is placed within the square that adjoins the right triangle's hypotenuse, amplifying the force of the symbol's power through redundancy. The check mark-like element in the Verizon (veri = truth) Wireless branding is such a Pythagoras signaling. So also is the nose in the LG logo, which is a pretty obvious "Horus that rules with two eyes" symbol.

I'm about to move on to the really good stuff, but first, here's a collection of images to consider that includes two from this post, a variety of Eye of Horus symbols with "i" and "R" connections.

21 Laps? Around what?

So, why would this company with the Eye of Horus branding be named 21 Laps? First, the number 21 itself references time and the fulness of time. (See What does the number Twenty-One mean?) This reference to the fullness of time is germane. I believe this name signals timing that specifically compares to the cryptic "three things and then four" signals I've observed. I already pointed out how the 21 rotates to present a 12 and made reference to the familiar 12/21/12 date. Now, if you consider how the earth laps or circuits the sun once a year, 21 laps means 21 years. The logo animation scene is the starry heavens, right? The featured fusion event creates a bright sun in the center, right? So, this 21 years appears to be equivalent to the "three things" or sets of seven years, shemittah, counted off from the celestial sign of 1991.

Consider also the homonym of "laps," "lapse," which can literally be derived from the logo if you shift the space between "laps" and "entertainment" one spot to the right. The meaning of "21 lapse" fits the context of the count from 1991 and supports the "laps of the earth around the sun" interpretation I proposed, placing emphasis upon the passing of this particular season. When it passes the shemittah spanning 2012 to 2019 begins, which I'm more and more convinced is going to find many things fulfilled, including what the eye of Horus imagery portends, the Beast and his rule. Recall how the angel's coming to Daniel was delayed by the Prince of Persia for 21 days, according to Daniel 10:13. A span of time identified by 21 had to lapse.

As I give thought and prayerful consideration to the following definitions of the word "lapse" it seems a very apt description of this period leading up to the season of the Beast.

lapse - verb
1. a. To fall from a previous level or standard, as of accomplishment, quality, or conduct: lapse into bad habits; a team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season.
1. b. To deviate from a prescribed or accepted way: lapse into heresy.
1. c. To pass gradually or smoothly; slip: lapse into reverie.
2. a. To come to an end, especially gradually or temporarily: He realized that his attention had lapsed and he hadn't heard the assignment.
2. b. To be no longer valid or active; expire: She allowed her membership to lapse after the first year.
4. To go by; elapse: Years had lapsed since we last met.

lapse - noun
1. The act or an instance of lapsing, as:
a. A usually minor or temporary failure; a slip: a lapse of memory; a lapse in judgment.
b. A deterioration or decline: a lapse into barbarism.
c. A moral fall: a lapse from grace.
2. A break in continuity; a pause: a lapse in the conversation.
3. A period of time; an interval: a lapse of several years between the two revolutions.
4. Law The termination of a right or privilege through disuse, neglect, or death.

While there is a necessary focus on the Beast with regard to this "fourth thing" it is, of course, what must come before the Lord of Lords comes to rule, when the stone cut out without hands smites the metallic statue in Daniel 2's vision of the destiny of this Beast kingdom. Hallelujah!

From one perspective, the entertainment value of these 21 laps is waning fast, is it not? Yet, what we have before is a great opportunity for those who prepare in the Lord, who will not be deceived into placing trust in the illumination and gnosis promised by the Eye of Horus.

14) Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15) See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16) Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17) Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:14-17

Three amigos

The next generation
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2010
[Please click here to share your own blue-themed pic]

I get the occasional razz for not posting more pictures of our kids. It's a critique I take seriously, as one of the original goals of this blog was to shrink the distance between us here in our adopted burg and the rest of our family back home.

But a funny thing happens between intent and reality. Namely, the game plan changes. Life gets in the way. People get busy. The kids don't want to pose together. And not everyone wants to see endless pictures of the kids, anyway.

So on the rare occasions when they do consent to stop and be photographed while:

1) in relatively close proximity to one another; and
2) one of them does not have a sibling in a headlock; and
3) rabbit ears are blessedly absent

I grab the opportunity as quickly as I possibly can. Because no one really knows when it'll happen again.

Your turn: How do you get kids to pay attention long enough to grab 'em for a picture?

Swing kid

Richmond Hill, ON
April 2010
[Please click here to share your Thematic blue]

I've been trying to learn how to stop time. Despite my stunning lack of success to-date, I'm slowly realizing that this may not be the point after all. We may, now and forever, lack the technology to stop time in its tracks, but there's nothing stopping us from learning how to squeeze a little more out of its passage.

In other words, the vehicle may always move at the same speed. But with the right attitude, we can teach ourselves to enjoy the trip a lot more.

In that light, I present this moment with our daughter. She's growing fast, so she won't always want to swing on the swing. But on this spring day, she did. So I positioned myself as closely as I dared to capture what it looked - and maybe even felt - like to try to touch the sky.

I can't stop time any better than she can defy gravity. And before long, she'll be so busy with life's other challenges that the thought of heading over to the playground will seem laughably juvenile. But on this day, none of that mattered as we opened our eyes just long enough to enjoy this fleeting moment of her fast forward life.

Your turn: Can you stop time?

Part 20: Jezebel vs Sarah - The Image and Glory of God and Honor in the Church

Continuing from the last post, we may well ask why it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in church? What's wrong with that, or what's right with her silence? The reason given explicitly in 1 Corinthians 14:34 is a reminder that this is simply the testimony of the law, an abiding principle. That does little to satisfy our curiosity as the Lord prompts some of us to inquire further.

I consider that Paul didn't need to repeat what had already been revealed a mere three chapters earlier. A similar situation was addressed, where a man and woman are engaging in prayer or prophecy. There is in this particular circumstance a distinction between the genders. A man was commanded not to cover his head and a woman was commanded to cover her head. The reason given involves a deep spiritual reality, that the man is the image and glory of God and that the woman is the glory of the man. You're familiar, yes? If we come to read the 14th chapter having forgotten or never having understood the truth revealed in the 11th chapter we have in this related context no basis for insight into the deep spiritual reality behind the distinction made between the genders.

When the saints assemble together the men are still the image and glory of God, as revealed in 1 Corinthians 11:7, and the women are still the glory of the man.

For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
1 Corinthians 11:7

When there is prayer and prophesying in the assembly the heads of the men are uncovered, exhibiting in visual "glory language," the image and glory of God. In church the men speak, expressing words in languages of men (and potentially of angels) in the audible voices of those who are the image and glory of God. What is seen and heard is the image and glory of God! When a woman is present, with respect to prayer and prophesying her head is covered, hiding or concealing the glory of both the woman and the man from view, lest flesh should glory in His presence. She does not speak in church but holds her peace, because the woman is the glory of man and its dishonorable for the glory of man to be heard in church.

27) But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28) And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
29) That no flesh should glory in his presence.
30) But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
31) That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:27-31

When a woman is not praying or prophesying, is it proper for her to have her head uncovered? Sure. Can she speak? Is she "in church" where a male is present and the saints are engaging as a biblical assembly? In that case, no, otherwise, sure. Can she teach a man or usurp authority over him? Never.

If one is clever and seems to have discovered an exception to a rule, can one justify challenging and overturning that rule to establish a contrary standard? Sure, but not honestly. This is the simple response I will offer for all the "what about" questions that arise. More may be forthcoming, I cannot say.

The biblical narrative offers many examples of women who are honored for a variety of things. There have been and are now women of faith and ability who are worthy of honor. I have focused in this series upon the contrast between two women whose names are models of behavior, Jezebel and Sarah. One is a deadly rebel, who deceives and exalts herself to rule over the weak. The other is as her Lord, willing to subject herself, trusting that He recognizes her acknowledged weakness and will be faithful to remember her at the appointed time according to promise.

16) And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17) Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18) I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
19) Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
20) At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
21) He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
John 14:16-21

11) For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12) Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13) Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14) Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
15) These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
Titus 2:11-15

In closing, once again I ask you to please be patient with this work as it unfolds here and in your life.

Shabbat Shalom

Thematic Photographic 131 - Blue

He has the power
West Palm Beach, FL, December 2010

We're going back to basics with this week's Thematic Photographic theme, blue. At its simplest, pick photos with blue in them and share them to your heart's content. If you really want to stretch things, feel free to explore not just what blue looks like, but what it feels like - a bummed out child, a sad-looking scene, etc. If it looks or feels blue, we want to see it.

That's it!

Oh, and have fun. Because that's why I first came up with this weekly photo sharing activity. And why it remains such a joy.

Your turn:
Share a blue-themed pic, then pop back here and leave a comment letting folks know where to find it. Repeat. Bonus points if you bring a friend along for the ride. Click here if you're new to the Thematic thing.

When guns come to your kid's school

I was in Toronto yesterday, but my trusty BlackBerry kept feeding me regular updates of what was going on back home. The one that got my attention was the report of a lockdown at a high school - Mother Teresa Secondary - not a 10-minute drive from my house. All doors and windows were locked and the lights were shut off after witnesses reported seeing someone with a gun on campus.

Our kids don't go there, but my first thought was that it could just as easily have been my kids' school. It can be anyone's school, anywhere, anytime. Welcome to the modern age.

I put it out of my mind as I went back into my meetings, but as I headed through intense snow and traffic on my way home, my BlackBerry once again chirped. Patrick Maloney, a reporter for the London Free Press, wanted my perspective on how kids with cell phones and smartphones can affect how events like this play out. He wanted to know if I felt it was a good or a bad thing for kids to be texting in the middle of a crisis. Here's the result*:
For one technology expert, the Mother Teresa incident underscores the positives of letting cellphones in -- though he cautions it's not always a good thing.

"In many cases, in crisis situations, the facts people don't know can cause panic," said Carmi Levy, a London-based technology analyst.

"If properly used, (social media technology) can shed light on events and help people navigate them more easily."

But they can also spread rumours, he notes.

"That's the dark side of texting and social media . . . there are no checks and balances," he said. "It's just as easy to distribute bad information."

The full article, Students text to spread lockdown news quickly, may be found here.

Your turn: So what do you think? Do social media/texting-savvy teens help or hinder matters when bad stuff happens at school?

One more thing: Next Thematic - new theme, blue - will launch tonight at 7:00 Eastern. A little late, I know, but it's been a busy week. Thank you for your understanding.

*I lied, make that two: I wore a headset, Officer Bob.

Part 19: Jezebel vs Sarah - When a Woman Speaks in Church

A couple posts back, I wrote that what has been brought forth about obedience regarding such as adornment, marital subjection and head covering is not yet what will shake some of us from deep slumber. As this challenging series of posts continues, I ask once again for your patience as this work is brought forth here and in your life. Even having now addressed the matter of a woman teaching a man, there remains more to be brought forth concerning what things daughters of Sarah know and practice, and what pertains to the Bride of HaMashiach as preparation for her Bridegroom.

After the last post you may be convinced that I've lost my mind. I'm not disconnected from reality but I'm just not interested in persisting status quo or playing religious games. I have no affiliations with institutions or associations with constraining agencies. I've been brought to such a place where I have few if any conflicts of interest or competing agendas. I'm not trying to defend anything or anyone or become popular. I'm not here to act friendly: I'm here to be a friend. My "angle" is that I'm conscious of how you and I will share in each other's reward. Hey, help me out, won't you? :)

We need each other in this hour, to pray and intercede as the Lord directs, to encourage, uplift and support as we seek to discover and abide in the narrow way. It's difficult to remain fast in the light when all we want to do is flee into the darkness. I want to encourage you to abide with me in this. Please pray for those whom the Lord draws to this blog, that they will receive what the Lord has for them and return unto Him what is His due.

I can't share with you the touching personal testimonies shared with me, but I want you to be assured that the Lord is faithful, who promises. He upholds His word and strengthens His people. Those who are hearing His voice and dare to respond with courage and faith are being rewarded even now with tokens of His love, which are testifying of what great things are yet to come!

There is a passage in I Corinthians 14 that must now be considered.

34) Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35) And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
I Corinthians 14:34-35

Instead of following these directives with specific scriptural reasons why, like in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 11, the basis is assumed to be so well established that, "as also saith the law" provides adequate support. These directives are immediately followed by an assertion of authority by the Apostle that Paul was, ordained and anointed to bring forth the commandments of the Lord.

36) What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
37) If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
38) But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
I Corinthians 14:36-38

It is as though the spirit of the Lord is testifying to those who challenge the truth and authority of what was declared in a forceful and rather blunt way: "Because I said so - that's why. Deal with it." Paul by the holy spirit had to know folks would squawk about this, striving against the hardness of its appearance as it confronts the carnal mind.

When the Word of the Lord is given, some will perceive it. "My sheep hear My voice," the Good Shepherd has testified according to the tenth chapter of John. There are, on the other hand, those who do not hear His voice, and they will not follow Him. I won't make a fuss about those who won't hear what is written about women speaking in the assembly. "But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant."

If you want to stay the mess you are in the mess you're in, do as you have done. If you want to be free - change! There is in this post a message of great value. I love you. I'm telling you the truth.

What circumstances are addressed in 1 Corinthians 14 are similar to but different from what's addressed in 1 Timothy 2. We must be discerning and considerate of the details in this matter so there's no confusion. When one has no concern for obedience, all these things can be broadly dismissed and the details are of no concern. When one has in mind to honor the Lord with obedience to His commands, the details matter! Let's get it right! He is worthy of our every effort!

Some of us can accept what has been declared without a struggle and there's not too much more that needs to be said. Most require more explanation, which will do nothing to alter the simplicity of the truth presented but offers more insight that engages us and helps us define what obedience looks like in our world as we endeavor to walk it out in shoe leather.

Where the passage in Timothy prohibits a woman from teaching a man, we find that the passage in Corinthians extends further to include all speaking without regard for content or purpose. The passage in Timothy doesn't specify whether what is done is in an assembly or in private, so there is no limit placed on the context. In Corinthians, however, the context in which it is a shame for women to speak is specifically that of a mixed gender assembly.

The prohibition in 1 Corinthians 14 relates to women speaking in the church. What is meant by 1. speak 2. women 3. the church?

What does it mean to "speak"?

In contrast to "silence" meaning "quietness of manner" in 1 Timothy 2, when you read keep silence in Corinthians it means just that, silence; i.e. hold your peace. Follow the links on the words "keep silence" and "speak" to the Blue Letter Bible's Greek resources.

34) Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35) And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
I Corinthians 14:34-35

That "silence" really does mean "silence" is confirmed by the use of the Greek word "laleo" for speak in verses 34 and 35. Strong's Outline of Biblical Usage reveals how the prohibition is such that a woman's voice is not even to be heard.

1) to utter a voice or emit a sound
2) to speak
a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech
b) to utter articulate sounds
3) to talk
4) to utter, tell
5) to use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts
a) to speak

Can women teach in the church? No. Can women prophesy in the church or read from the scriptures? No. Can a woman give her testimony? How about announcements? Can they sing in the choir? No, no and no. Ahah! Can they sign for the deaf? Hey, come on. There's no prohibition against a woman being present in the church or serving in some capacity, however, if words come out of her mouth she is not keeping silence and it's a shame. Really, a shame? Yes, a shame, base or dishonorable.

Some challenge the comprehensive prohibition against women speaking in church with claims that it only pertains to the asking of questions, because verse 35 reads, "if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home." If one places the entire focus of attention upon that to the exclusion of all else, one could make their point, but not honestly. Such is the common manner of taking of what's provided for further insight and wrestling it to obscure and contradict the simple truth. That kind of "reasoning" is the rebellious striving of the carnal mind against the spirit for the justification of sin, the seeking for a personal exemption, loophole, excuse or escape route.

What is meant by "women"?

Some insist this only applies to married women because of how verse 35 reads, "if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home," and logically, only married women have husbands. The Greek words used in the biblical text cannot be used to support the "married women only" argument. The Greek word used for "husband" is "aner," which is translated "husband" 50 times but as "man" 156 times in the KJV. What determines whether an "aner" is married comes from the context. Such is also the case with the Greek word used for women, "gyne" (as with "gynecology," literally "the study of women"), which is translated "wife" 92 times and "women" 129 times in the KJV. The words aner and gyne generally reference the genders as male and female without explicit reference to age or marital status. Neither can the context be used to support the supposition that "women" means "married women." To suggest that Paul addressed the situation of married women and completely neglected addressing females of unmarried status is to express ignorance about the context of the presentation, of Paul's manner and the "real world" he lived in and ministered within. Who are the women that are to keep silent in the church? Females.

When we read in verse 34, "but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law," it should be plain enough that the direction here is not a "New Testament" invention or some departure from the long-standing tradition of a culture rooted and grounded in "the law." Even the converted saints of the pagan culture of Corinth in that day must have had a sufficient model before them.

Many women today are unable to ask their men at home because there are no men at home. Yet, you may perceive how this is not supposed to be the case. The law as given and practiced provided for women to have a man at home, whether married or unmarried. A woman was first subject to her father. If and when she married, she became subject to her husband. Consider Numbers 30 and Ruth 1, and study up on the godly culture of old, if you're interested. If the father was dead, the woman was subject to the patriarch of the house. Women didn't just have roommates, living with their boyfriends or girlfriends, and, except in rare circumstances did not live alone. What was recorded in 1 Corinthians 14:35 was and is valid. Are you a woman with no man at home? You have a problem that I recommend very seriously seeking the Lord about as to His provision for you. "Independence" is not the blessing you may been led to think it is.

When a woman wants to learn and can't speak in the church and there's no man at home, well, she has a problem. What is a woman of faith to do? The answer seems pretty simple. If you're some father's unmarried daughter, unless he won't have you, your place should be obvious. A lot of things could be and must be taken into consideration in such matters as this. If you're willing and truly seek to honor Him, dear sister, the Lord will direct you and grant favor as you trust Him. With regard to changing your marital status, what's written in 1 Corinthians 7 must be considered, and you may consider dwelling with brothers, sons, uncles or cousins as appropriate.

You may have noticed how there is nothing here in these posts resembling counsel for the faithless. This is not Staples and there is no Easy Button. Yet, we do have a Helper who is abundant with mercy and grace! The Lord calls out, "Trust me."

What is meant by "in the churches" or "in the church"?

The context of 1 Corinthians 14 presents us with the church as an assembly where men and women have gathered to engage in teaching, prayer and fellowship. There may also be speaking with tongues, prophecy, the singing of praise, worship, perhaps a baptism, etc. It's a gathering where saints are doing what saints are inspired to do when they meet.

Early in the history of the church "assembling" usually happened in someone's house. Big halls with bench seating, platforms and podiums, not so much, until pagan temple models were adopted and merged. Today, of course, there's a variety of venues, but the home is where it really happens best. Such a place of assembling may be a home or a hall, a yard, a park or a beach, a bus, car, train or plane. It may be called church, fellowship, chapel, camp meeting, conference or seminar. Today, the state of communications technology requires that we identify such a place or instance of assembly a little more broadly than in Paul's day because, while we may still at times meet "locally," in one location, many and perhaps most of us assemble in remote locations facilitated by phone lines, fiber optic cables, satellites, wireless networks and the Internet.

With all the ways we interact socially, what qualifies as a 1 Corinthians 14 church has expanded. Such an assembly may be happening in the context of a chat room, a conference call, a Web forum, a Webinar, online groups, lists or even group email, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. It's perhaps easier to more strictly define what such a church is not. 1. Private communication between two people. 2. A gathering of saints where no man is present. 3. A mixed gender gathering where activity such as pictured in 1 Corinthians 14 is not happening.

In a nutshell, what does this mean to us?

A women teaching a man or usurping authority over him should not be allowed in any context, public or private (1 Timothy 2). Taking the traditional Sunday morning meeting at the corner church under consideration as the most simple situation, words should not be heard from any female because it's a shame for women to speak in church. After "church" in the fellowship hall, is a woman free to speak? That depends. If folks are engaging in "assembly behavior" and a man is present, it's "church" and she must hold her peace. How about after church when the folks go out to eat together? Ditto. In the marketplace and elsewhere, where and when no "church" activity is being engaged in (or no man is present to hear if there is), a woman is certainly free to speak because the gathering is not a biblical assembly. One who is attentive will be aware how situations change quickly without notice, and it's easy enough to perceive it and then also to recognize when a woman is speaking.

The question we might best be asking at this point isn't whether this is a realistic expectation but whether this is the correct model for our behavior. It's not realistic to expect folks raised in a wicked rebellious Jezebel controlled Mystery Babylon culture to become daughters of Sarah and become worthy of being joined to the Bridegroom, yet, it happens.

When and where two or more men are led by the holy spirit to engage in such activities that are presented in 1 Corinthians 14, if a woman is present she must not speak. No questions, no words. If you're a woman and you're unsure about whether you should hold your peace, err on the side of sacrificing what you may prefer for what He may prefer.

If there's a radio show with "biblical assembly" character and folks are invited to call in with questions or comments, should a woman call in? No, that would be speaking in church. If there's a BlogTalkRadio show with preaching or teaching, prayer or prophecy, etc, and the chat room is open, and if a man is the host, guest or participating in the chat, should a woman actively participate in the chat? Technically, she wouldn't be speaking audible words, so there would be no violation of the letter of the law. However, the spirit of the law would certainly be violated so, no, she should not chat. If there is a forum, or something forum-like that is an arena for public discourse on biblical subjects, unless all men are specifically excluded as participants a woman should not be "heard."

If a blog post is ministering to the saints and provision is made for the submission and posting of comments, should a woman submit a comment? That depends. If comments are moderated and there is no provision to contact the blogger directly, the comment feature is a legitimate means of personal contact. If a woman's comment is submitted and subsequently published and therefore made public, the result is equivalent to speaking in church, is it not? (Ahhhh, right. Give me a few days to adjust my blog, if you would be so kind. I'm learning as I go. Thanks Lord for your exceeding great mercy!) Ladies, if you submit comments to such a blog, it should only be done where there is an assurance that it would not be published lest you be "heard speaking in church."

These examples aren't meant to be the beginnings of a comprehensive manual. This is a guide to inspire those who seek wisdom. How are we to know when a woman is permitted to speak? Here's two recommendations.

1. Want to obey, to please the Lord with subjection in all things.

2. Consider what qualifies as "church" in your life, seeking the Lord's guidance. Expect His help in identifying such and be attentive to His still small voice.

Women, where there's doubt, hold your peace. Men, where there's doubt, show mercy and permit it until the Lord's mind and heart is known with confidence. Seek the Lord about what He would have you do, when and how - and simply follow through with love and faith.

I'm aware how this will stimulate many readers and prompt further questions. The best way to get understanding is to commit yourself to practicing what you know is right. Lord willing, this work on the blog will continue and further light will be brought forth in these matters. I ask yet one more time for your patience as this work is brought forth here and in your life.

One fish, two fish

Addiction is a funny beast. If it involves alcohol, drugs, gambling, or some noxious combination of same, it's generally perceived as a bad thing. But get hooked on Glee, orange juice or the grandaddy of them all, phonics, and you'd be forgiven for not making it past the third of the 12 steps.

Which is my way of admitting I'm addicted to the arcane subset of photography that involves walking into a grocery store and taking pictures of whatever's on sale. I have no idea how this little vice of mine took root or why it's evolved as it has. I do know that it's almost gotten me escorted out of the Wal-Mart once, and it's resulted in my being left alone by my annoyed wife on more than one occasion. Yet I still persist.

It's not as if the resulting photos are especially unique. They're pictures of everyday foods, after all, shot hastily under bad lighting, often with my BlackBerry's camera because to haul out the DSLR might actually result in my being forcibly ejected or, gasp, hauled in for questioning by mall cop wannabes. I won't be blowing these up to poster size or submitting them for gallery displays.

Then why?

Because I view grocery shopping as one of those necessities of modern life that, depending on our attitude can either be a chore or an opportunity for enjoyment. I choose enjoyment. When I tag along with my wife, it's a date. It isn't champagne and candles at some swanky restaurant, but that's precisely the point. It doesn't have to be. It's simply a time for us to be together, and I've never believed in limiting those opportunities to nights out or special occasions.

Indeed, special occasions can happen anytime if we let them. Even in the fish section.

Your turn: How do you make the ordinary seem special?

One more thing: These fish are far from home, though I strongly suspect they're patently unaware of that fact. Our own Thematic far-from-home journey

New York, New York. Sort of.

Scrape the scaled sky
Boca Raton, FL, December 2009
About this photo: The far from home theme wraps up tomorrow when we launch our next theme at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. We're still taking submissions for this one, though, so if you've got a picture that supports the theme - even one that's already been posted online somewhere - click here to share it.
A foam puzzle reproduction of a pre-9/11 New York City skyline will always attract at least a sliver of attention. In southern Florida, however, it'll stop you in your tracks. Well, it stopped me, anyway. I guess I still feel a little sad every time I see anything with the twin towers in it - even if it's no taller than our youngest child, and might tip over if I turn the fan just far enough.

My morose sense of nostalgia notwithstanding, chops to the owners of this delightful deli (Ben's, which I wrote about here) who came up with this unique way to add something memorable to the experience of being here.

Some folks just get it.

Your turn: Small things that you remember from along the way. Please discuss.

Deep in the heart of...Georgia

Places and names
Dalton, GA, January 2009
[Please click here for more far-from-home goodness]

I've been to many places in my life, but I can quite honestly say that up until this cold night in northern Georgia, I had never been on or near Dug Gap Battle Road.

If we hadn't been so tired from being on the road since first light, we might have explored the neighborhood a little more. I'm sure there were a few other street sign gems lurking in the darkness.

Your turn: Strange street or place names. Please discuss.

Playing in another world

Beach kids
Delray Beach, FL, December 2010
[Please click here for more far from home Thematic]

We seem to have made it a family habit to go to the beach on the last day of the year. It didn't evolve deliberately. Rather, it's one of those little life events that seem to play out according to an unseen script. We turn around on December 31st and, somehow, we're watching our kids frolic in the surf.

However they got here on this day, it was clear to anyone who saw them that they came from somewhere that may as well be on another planet. While most everyone else hung back from the water because it wasn't quite warm enough, our intrepid kids dove right in and stayed in, afraid to miss so much as an extra minute of playtime in the surf.

Two weeks before I tripped the shutter on this moment, they had been battling snowdrifts that cast shadows above their heads. Playing outside meant pulling on multiple layers of winter clothes, then sitting around the kitchen table when they were done as my wife made them hot chocolate. For the record, there was no hot chocolate in the cooler on this day.

I stood further up the beach watching them play for what seemed like an age. I waited for them to get tired, to slow down, to want to come back to our seats and take a break. Hours later, I was still waiting. I guess all that living in a snowbound land made it that much more urgent for them to cram in as much beach time as they could. Because in just a few hours the year would be over. And not long after that they'd have to head back home.

The hot chocolate, as always, would be waiting for them. Wherever they ever call home, they know mom will never let them down.

Your turn: Rituals of childhood. Got one to share?

Dear Steve Jobs: Only in health

The tech world is buzzing with news that Apple's CEO Steve Jobs is taking a medical leave of absence (Mashable story here.)

The U.S. stock markets are closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but one can only surmise that Apple's share price will take a hit when investors return tomorrow. I'll be discussing this issue with Gary Doyle of 570News in Kitchener just after 1:00 p.m. Eastern today (listen live here.)

(If you'd like to listen to the interview, the show page is here. The actual interview, in MP3 format, is here.)

Beyond the seismic market implications of the potential departure of one of the most influential business leaders of our generation - I'm not fawning here; it is what it is - I find myself looking at things from another perspective. A human one.

He's sick. Very, apparently. And however much success we've amassed on this planet, we all leave it the same way. I feel deep empathy for his family as they ponder what tomorrow will bring, and watch his every move, wondering whether this is the beginning of the end. So many of us have been there that I feel compelled to view today's news through that lens before any other.

Your turn: Thoughts?

But wait, there's more: I ended up chatting about this on television...
My favorite clip from the day: "He's the tech world's equivalent of Wayne Gretzky. He can see above and beyond what everyone else sees."


When it's over...

Final resting place
Duvernay, QC, November 2010

I was last in this place in June, at my dad's unveiling, and I returned on this painfully bright morning with my mom. It wasn't a happy moment, of course, but as we chatted quietly on the way back to her house, I was glad we had come here. Not because it changed anything, but because it gave me - and presumably her - a rare opportunity to try, impossible as it may seem, to figure out where we all go from here.

Every time I'm here, I feel as far away from reality as I can possibly get. I know cemeteries represent the logical end of our life's journey, and I can walk endlessly through virtually any other graveyard on the planet. It's easy when I'm disconnectedly learning about the lives of others, but not so easy when those are my family members' names inscribed on the headstones.

I'm pretty sure my quick photography session on the way back to the car violated some of the rules of protocol of this place, but I didn't want to return home with nothing but empty, sad thoughts bouncing around my head. As it it, the thoughts remain sad. But at least they now have an accompanying visual.

Jagged little tree

Laval, QC, November 2010

I originally wanted to share this photo as part of last week's "wet" theme. But in the middle of the wild week we had, it ended up getting lost in the drafts pile. So I'm calling it a far from home pic. Here's why:

I took this photo around the same time that I shot this one. The light was fading, and I was walking, quickly and alone, along the shore of the near-silent tributary, looking for inspiration before night closed in for good.

I had come here to visit a childhood friend who had just lost his mom. I was staying with my own mom. Since she and my father moved here, I often walked these grounds, using the precious "alone time" to put our visits in perspective. Family can often be hard, so little breaks like this had become part of my away-from-home routine.

Now that my father's gone, these solitary walks by the water have taken on a different tone. He loved this place, and saw it as his mission to get all of his friends to move nearby. He loved these grounds, and always talked about what was going on here. To anyone else, it was an unremarkable stretch of land by the water. To him, it was a kingdom, with a narrative that unfolded every time he felt well enough to get on the phone.

So on this evening, I walked silently and thought about journeys - mine since childhood, my friend's after losing his last parent, my mother's now that she looks out her window at scenes like this, alone. I felt very separated from the things most precious to me - my wife and our kids - and felt a sudden chill at the prospect of being this far from them. I guess I needed a hug.

I couldn't come up with any bright-minded solution to banish any of the dark themes that now clouded my thoughts, but I thought this disjointed reflection on the water's surface summarized my feelings quite nicely.

Your turn: Where do you find quiet time? Why does it matter?

Part 18: Jezebel vs Sarah - The Other Sin in the Garden

Continuing from the previous post, the link between 1 Timothy 2 and Genesis provides a vivid example of a woman teaching a man and usurping authority over him, and in that we may discover some precious insight. When the activity in the Garden of Eden is considered, the focus of attention for the vast majority of folks is only ever on the "eating of the fruit of the tree," but yet there were two kinds of sin that were addressed when consequences were pronounced. The other kind involved the relationship between the woman and the man.

16) To the woman He said ... your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."
17) Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife ...
Genesis 3:16b-17a

When you consider the account of what happened in the Garden in this light you should recognize the example of a woman teaching a man and usurping authority over him. This is the sin that led to the other, to his "eating," and the result of both was that dire and extreme but necessary and appropriate consequences were brought forth that remain to this day.

16) To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."
17) Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it All the days of your life.
Genesis 3:16-17

This subject is addressed at length in a study I recommend as collateral reading, Who is Cain's Father? Part Two, in a side bar titled: "The Other Sin in the Garden."

Both kinds of sin are fully in view when 1 Timothy 2 makes reference to Genesis, and when these things are given proper consideration it becomes apparent that this profound insight has gone so far over our heads it has almost entirely escaped our notice.

11) Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13) For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14) And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15) Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
1 Timothy 2:11-15

When a woman teaches a man she follows the woman's example in the garden, does she not? When a man permits a woman to teach him, does he not follow the example of the man in the garden? How blind we have been in our arrogance!

Lord, forgive me and help me to acknowledge and accept how Your ways are ever higher than my ways. Help me Lord, to the end that I will no longer follow the way of the man and woman in the garden, that I may willingly accept the role you have ordained for me in this life and honor You with obedience!

When you and I follow the example of the man and woman in the garden where a woman teaches or instructs a man and the man permits himself to be instructed, can the result be far different from that in the garden? One sin then led to the other. Should it not, for us today, produce a similar result? We have long sat in darkness, scratching our heads, wondering why, oh why, devils are permitted to have their way with us. When the answer comes, it stuns us to be confronted with the simple truth. When a woman teaches a man and he abides it, you might imagine the devils clapping their hands with glee: "Suckers. They'll never learn!"

If this speaks to you, and I pray it does, take account of yourself and humble yourself before the Creator today. Seek His counsel about what He requires of you and His help to carry it out. I beg you not to make of this study a merely academic exercise.

As you reflect upon these things, you may perceive how both kinds of sin in the garden relate to what has come to be labeled "Jezebel," sexual impropriety and selfish domineering. This is a profound revelation that gives insight into just how important it really is for a man and a woman today, even you and I, to be self-controlled and careful to honor our assigned gender roles.

In this matter, like our parents before us, and theirs before them and back even so far as the first man and woman, most of us have rebelled against our Creator. We have, in so doing, reaped to ourselves severe consequences. We inherit curses, acquire more and pass them on to our children. But the Lord has provided a means for redemption.

Considering our history of casual disregard for the appointment of authority expressed through gender distinction, is it any wonder Jezebel rules with authority over such a vast domain? Is it any wonder that Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots, is seen riding the scarlet Beast? Through the activity of women teaching men Jezebel receives an open invitation. Disobedience brings a curse. Control spirits associated with Jezebel work through the mechanism of the exercise of control over the "flow of information." When commands that directly involve the headship relationship and the order of and purpose in creation are rebelled against, both genders suffer severe and enduring consequences. It can be no other way.

So it is that a woman must learn in quietness with all subjection. It has only ever been this way. It should well be noted that the matter of a woman being subject to the man is not a consequence of sin but rather preceded it as implicit in the nature of creation.

Deception and Gender

You may recall how that it was the matter of the woman being deceived and not the man given as a reason for why a woman is not to teach or usurp authority over a man.

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1 Timothy 2:14

Will a woman only ever be deceived in her thinking and a man never? No. Of course not. But a woman instructing a man is only ever done in disobedience according to the way of the man and woman in the garden of Eden.

It's common for wicked acts of rebellion to be justified with the notion, "Let us do evil that good may come." (Romans 3:8) It has oft been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Let's leave good intentions behind, carnal reasonings that presume we know better than our Maker in Heaven. A woman who instructs a man is already deceived, is she not? A man who permits a woman to teach or himself to be instructed by a woman has himself fallen prey to the deception, drawn into sin that bears with it a curse. Let's take a lesson from the third chapter of Genesis. Let's heed what Paul passed on to Timothy as through the spirit of the living God for you and I.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

My friends, when the rubber meets the road on this you're likely to hear some screeching tires and see the cloud of smoke and some long skid marks and smell the burnt rubber. Your car may be cruising along on the 6 lane freeway of life and now, all of a sudden, you realize how you need to get off here RIGHT NOW, and start going down that little country lane over yonder, yeah, the one with all the pot holes.

Are you a husband or wife? Had this deal wrong about women teaching men? You're not alone. If you are honest, you're going to have to deal with it. You're going to have to repent. Are you a parent with children? A person with such folk as you consider friends, and want to consider yourself as a true friend to them? What's your behavior modeling and your mouth professing? What are you writing in email, and posting on forums and blog comments? Are you participating in "inappropriate" behavior? Ladies, are you "sharing information" with men in such a way that might be considered as leading or instructing? Men, are you permitting such? Yikes! This is rather confrontational isn't it? Why do I feel like I'm under conviction here. Oh. It's because I am. Oh, Lord help!

Women, are you engaging as a teacher of men through words of any kind, books, blogs, video, radio or Web sites perhaps? Maybe the Lord will just look the other way, like He did with Eve. Oh, wait. OK. No, He probably won't. If you think you've been blessed already despite your disobedience, I'm sure you're right. He is great in mercy! If you consider you've been blessed plenty enough, then you'll just carry on, I suppose. But, consider how much more blessing there might be when a great curse of disobedience is removed, and you're set free from the deceptive rule of Jezebel.

Men, are you permitting women to teach men, even seating yourself at the feet of women to be taught? If so, do you think your behavior truly honors them, or is it rather a dishonoring of your Head, even Christ? Is your bookshelf a witness to the way of Adam, who listened to the voice of his wife and was subsequently rebuked and beset with a curse? Are the references in your books and writings to the teachings of women, or links from your Web site or blog directing men to the same? Is your Web forum an open gender free-for-all? Again, if you think you've been blessed already despite your disobedience, I'm sure you're right. He is great in mercy! But, again, consider how much more blessing there might be when a great curse of disobedience is removed, and you're freed from the deceptive rule of Jezebel.

I don't expect the traffic flow along the 6 lane freeway through Babylon will be much effected by this post or any in the series. However, some of us are waking up to see what road we've been on. If we check ourselves in the mirror, we might see ourselves seated behind the wheel with glazed eyes and a smug look on our faces. Screeeeeech! Hallelujah!

In closing, I'll take this opportunity to apologize to those of you I may have deceived through my rebellious behavior and words that have been contrary to the revelation insight presented in this post. This does not exempt me from making more personal confessions and apologies as required, but this is necessary as a testimony and example. I ask for your forgiveness and forbearance, as I too seek to be changed in the hope of finding mercy before the throne. The Bridegroom calls for His Bride, and He rejoices to find her willing to be prepared even in this hour.

More to follow, Lord willing!
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