Part 24: Jezebel vs Sarah - Discerning Your Friends and Enemies

Those of us who strive to subject ourselves to the obedience of the coming Bridegroom after the model of Sarah have many challenges and challengers. Some are quickly recognizable as Jezebel in nature and others are less easily identified. This post comes with an awareness of the nature of a transition and therefore a witness of what's happening now, as judgment is upon the church and it manifests in escalation. The time remaining in the Lord's harvest field grows short. What we do and say or don't do and say is therefore of far greater consequence. The friendships and relationships we keep, likewise. In the last post I said I would identify and expose some of my enemies, and so I did. This is for your sake, not so you can make a list, or, not just so you can make a list, but for instruction as you read and pray and consider the words and deeds done in these interactions and then consider them as examples. Take a lesson as one who is wise, receiving the Lord's counsel about discerning your own friends and enemies.

Before I get further into the subject matter of this post, I checked with Aaron earlier today in follow-up to yesterday's post and he had yet to field even a single email concerning his testimony as a witness. I perceive the need to address this further. It may be presumption for me to simply say that I appreciate your trust in my integrity that my word plus brother Aaron's willingness to stand as a witness alongside me was sufficient. Ask yourself is that is enough for you, if it's sufficient to take whatever appropriate measures are called for in your life. If not, contact Aaron and probe further until you are satisfied. Take the testimony back to John if this is required of you. Prove the case, whether one or any of us is justified in our claims.

I feel very strongly that this is no time for passive lurking. This is a time to be engaged as one who is fully awake, with a passionate love for the Lord and those who are His. As recorded in Esther 4:14, who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? I've never been much of a cheerleader but I perceive the need for a call to action because some among you are slumbering on while the alarm clock buzzes. Awaken and prepare for what will yet be required of you. If this is for you, you are at risk of forfeiting great reward.

I may tell you at some point some of the blessings I've received as I've accepted the Lord's invitations to engage with folks in such challenging ways. This is a quite remarkable thing! Especially for someone who has been as passive and eager to avoid conflict as I have been for most of my life!

OK, moving on.

Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.
Luke 12:51

Division brought by the Lord is good because He is only ever good. He separates the holy from the profane, what is His from what is not. There is a contrasting work of division that is bad, brought by His enemy. How can you tell which is which? Get discernment. Eyes that see and ears that hear can discern with the Light that is truly Light. Someone who works to separate you from any true friend is working evil. Tamra's activity that works to cut me off from people is really directed to cut those off who would be ministered to by the Truth (Y'shua) through me. Any impact upon me personally as the agent that threatens her work and exposure is really of lesser concern in the bigger picture. John (with great presumption - "the Baptist") Seitzinger's labor to divide by isolating me from his crew wasn't to protect anyone from harmful contact with an enemy of the Lord but rather to protect himself from being exposed and those in his eunuch network from being set free - the covert work of evil.

Note that the name Satan means "accuser" and "adversary." The workers of evil will typically betray themselves in an ironic fashion when they accuse. It's like pointing a finger where three fingers point back in the gesture. They falsely accuse the brethren of what is even their own very issue. It compares to the pot calling the kettle black, when the kettle is not black but the pot is. This is "Spiritual Warfare 101" material, which some of us need to learn to discern and follow along, tracking with what the Lord is revealing.

What you will know about Tamra with that insight is that it is she herself, or with a more precise attribution, the spirit of Jezebel that exercises control over and manifests through her, hates women. Think about that and seek the Lord for further insight. The spirit of Jezebel hates subjection to the Creator by anyone, but most particularly, women who would be subject to men and the men who accept their appointment of headship. She is counter to Sarah, the Bride of Christ model, who is all about submission. Jezebel is all about her own rule with unchallenged authority. Tamra apparently was triggered when she read about "Propriety in the Assembly" because that addresses her own MO, her method of operation. Anyone who believes the truth you'll find in that study will have light shined on the Jezebel operation, exposing even Tamra's public activity as sinful rebellion. That snare she sets only works in darkness. When it's exposed to the light, the gig is up.

Had you noticed in the last post how the subject line of the email had been modified when John forwarded his copy of an email I sent to his network? When he falsely accused me in the email (where he subtly commanded and threatened his band of eunuchs to keep them in line), I had sent it with the subject line, "Walking the walk," and he expanded it to "Walking the walk [STRAIGHT TO HELL]." The irony is that it's his own chosen path and the one he leads his followers down. An example of self-reflective declaration may be seen in where he wrote, "I had a run-in with Bob earlier today on this subject mater and he refuses to back down." If you followed the thread you see there was no referenced run-in where I was approached with anything from which to back down. Why did he write that? Was it made up "out of thin air" just so he could seem like a tough guy? Well, I believe the best answer is that devils will betray themselves and you will perceive it if you pay attention. In the instance of John's email, what really happened was that when John received the "Walking the walk" email he should have repented at being convicted by the holy spirit. Instead, he "didn't back down." He stood against it. He spills the beans that he did receive a conviction and rebelled against it. Is this a familiar dynamic?

I'm not telling you this just to shame Tamra and John (though I do hope they read here and are ashamed, convicted and brought to repentance). These examples have come for our learning. Should the enemies of Yahweh and His people be sheltered from the light or protected from judgment? The Devil does not need an advocate and we should not be found facilitating deception by providing cover for his agents. The kind of "love" that enables sinners will be judged to be no love at all.

In the book of Acts, a couple named Ananias and Sapphira resisted the holy spirit and were dealt with in such a way that great fear came on all the church. I invite you to read that account to refresh your memory.

And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.
Acts 5:11

I write this not to suggest that the same end will come to John and Tamra but to state my conviction that the time is coming when power and authority will be manifested once again. As you should know, Acts is more than just a history book, it's prophetic. Until then, even while most of our engagements seem to us as exercises in futility, our tolerance even particularly of Jezebel is not to be. Such tolerance is soon going to cost some dearly. If you think intolerance is going to cost you plenty, you're probably right. Yet, compare it to what tolerance will cost.

18) And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like burnished bronze, says this:
19) 'I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first.
20) But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
21) I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality.
22) Behold, I will throw her on a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds.
23) And I will kill her children with pestilence, and all the churches will know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds.
24) But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not known the deep things of Satan, as they call them--I place no other burden on you.
25) Nevertheless what you have, hold fast until I come.
26) He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, TO HIM I WILL GIVE AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS;
28) and I will give him the morning star.
29) He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'
Revelation 2:18-29

Will I continue to tolerate Jezebel and be brought under judgment? Will you? There is great consequence and great reward at stake.

Brothers and sisters, this is a time to let your own relationships and associations be tested and proven. Judge well with His eyes and ears, with His standards of approval and not your own, which will utterly fail. Let me encourage you not to get caught up in John and Tamra. Most of you have your own adversaries and this is really about what you have done and have yet to do, at the Lord's direction and with his help.

There are a few more passages of scripture I am compelled to present.

25) Now large crowds were going along with Him; and He turned and said to them,
26) If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
27) Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
28) For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?
29) Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him,
30) saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.'
31) Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and consider whether he is strong enough with ten thousand men to encounter the one coming against him with twenty thousand?
32) Or else, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace.
33) So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.
34) Therefore, salt is good; but if even salt has become tasteless, with what will it be seasoned?
35) It is useless either for the soil or for the manure pile; it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Luke 14:25-35

Compare the salt that is thrown out to what we read in Revelation 2.

21) I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality.
22) Behold, I will throw her on a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds.
Revelation 2:21-22

Are you tasty salt or "useless either for the soil or for the manure pile"?

Adulterers and adulteresses! Have ye not known that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whoever, then, may counsel to be a friend of the world, an enemy of God he is set.
James 4:4 (YLT)

No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval.
I Corinthians 11:19

At the outset of this post I wrote "Take a lesson as one who is wise, receiving the Lord's counsel about discerning your own friends and enemies." Let me encourage you to take this to the Lord and let your relationships be tested. Let me share an insight I received this morning before rising.

There is a set of perspectives set forth in the gospels that may be seen to conflict.

For he who is not against us is for us.
Mark 9:40

He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.
Matthew 12:30

Luke 11:23 agrees with Matthew 12. One perspective is different from the other. In the same context, both cannot be true. Both are true, and discerning the applicable context determines which of the two is appropriate for a given situation. If I understand what the Lord was revealing, and I believe I do, we are transitioning from a Mark 9:40 to a Matthew 12:30 time. This is to say that our consideration and discernment of and behavior toward those who are for us and those who are against us is a current affair in the Lord's agenda for those He is wooing as His Bride. Those of you for whom this is intended will require no further commentary from me.

Blessings in Y'shua!

One last flight

Saying goodbye
London, ON, March 2011
About this photo: We're closing out our March Madness theme. Our new Thematic theme launches tomorrow (Friday) at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. It's not too late to share a little madness of your own. Just go here.
Those two lines in the sky are the International Space Station (brighter) and the Space Shuttle Discovery. I grabbed this 13-second exposure a little while after the orbiter undocked for the last time. Two days later, her STS-133 mission complete, she swooped back to earth, and into retirement.

The munchkins came outside with me to say goodbye. They knew there was no way for the astronauts aboard either ship to see them, but that didn't stop them from waving skyward for almost the entire time they were visible. They were just dots, really, but I didn't want the experience to pass without the kids having had the opportunity to witness it directly.

It was a clear, cold night, and I'm thinking the last place I should have been shepherding my kids was a cold sidewalk to watch something that, visually, at least, pales in comparison even the simplest game on the family Wii. But this was real, and it was history, and it happened right over our house.

Two more flights to go. I suspect our kids will be out there for those, too. Wherever you are, I hope you'll join them.

Your turn: Do you remember a slice of history from your own childhood?

QOTD #12 - On coming home

"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. "
Lin Yutang
I've been off on a work thing for a few days, and later today will get on a plane pointed for home. As much as I enjoy the newness of seeing a new slice of the planet, I always prefer the return leg because of what awaits at the end.

I guess I'm a bit of a homebody, after all. Or I just don't like being away from my family. Yes, the second one.

Your turn: The best part of travel is...?

I've got my eyes on you

London, ON, March 2011
About this photo: It's March Madness week, and it doesn't get more mad than this. Do you have some madness to share? Click here.
I have no rational explanation for why I take pictures like this. Maybe it's because no one else seems to, so I feel sorry for the poor little potato. Perhaps it's because not everything needs to have a reason. Sometimes we need to be just a little frivolous in the day-to-day. And on this day, this spudnik happened to be in range when my head started to feel a little frivolous.

I think this irrational-frivolity thing just might work out after all.

Your turn: What do you do when you feel just a little silly?

QOTD #11 - On optimism

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
Daniel L. Reardon
Your turn: So is your glass half-full or half-empty? How so?

Part 23: Jezebel vs Sarah - Enemies, Friendly and Otherwise

You'll notice that the posts in this series have now been retitled to identify each post in its context. This post follows part 22 by more than a month. This isn't due to lack of interest or of activity on the subject because the aftershocks, as you might consider them, have continued. The relevance and necessity for pursuing this theme is all the more important given the escalating judgment upon those within the church of the body of the Lord Y'shua HaMashiach and upon those without. It may be of benefit to refresh your memory by rereading some or all of the posts in this series and perhaps watching some of the video posted.

As you should know, no one truly walks with the Lord without making both friends and enemies. Friends will be few, but enemies, many. When the Lord directs you to get out of a foxhole you're going to take fire. That's how it works. Often our enemies act friendly, masquerading as friends. You'll never be able to discern between friendly enemies, genuine friends and genuine enemies until relationships are tested. Again, that's how it works. The Lord directs such a work as that and exposes the nature of our friendships for our benefit as He proves our love for Him. If this testimony is not one to which you can say AMEN I propose that you do not yet know a true friend.

In this post I'm going to identify and expose some of my enemies. This is for your sake, dear saint, so you will have the opportunity to consider and judge for yourself between me and those who make themselves my enemy. If I seek to justify myself, I do err because the Lord will vindicate the just in His time. My reputation is of no account, which you should know if you've been paying attention. I have several stories to tell in this matter, and some of you reading may and should tremble at the prospect. This undertaking is attended by the same careful concern I've had for the balance of the series, to honor the Lord and rise up to the challenges brought forth. Such noble sounding words are cheap, really, but the Lord will bear witness accordingly, whether I write now in obedience or in contrast with presumption. This undertaking hasn't come on account of my own righteousness but so that I, with you, might become righteous, and be found worthy of Him. Perhaps those named and in association with them will be brought to conviction and repentance, perhaps not. If you are led into intercession, please fulfill this obligation of love.

This first testimony involves Tamra (probably "Jackson" given her address), and through her Cindy (By the Sea) and John (the Baptist) of Tribulation-Now. Most recently, Tamra has posted comments to another blog defaming me with lies and for the second time now making herself my enemy. She is free to do so, of course, without fear of legal trouble (banking on my abiding by a higher law), but this time her libel will not go unanswered publicly. I've been the targeted object of libel and slander many times in the past, and while this doesn't always require a response it is required of me now to respond after a rather protracted season of patient withholding.

When Tamra reads this, she will likely follow the typical trend and respond with defensive retaliation and in escalation. If there is a male behind her, he may also be drawn out, coming to her defense. Or perhaps they will together or separately be convicted and brought to repentance.

I wrote that Tamra posted lies about me. Some of what you will read here might be perceived as a matter of "her interpretation," which lends an air of plausible deniability to her statements and masks what must be identified as her intent to deceive. (By the way, if you haven't at least watched the video series posted here, I recommend that you do so to become familiar with some of the dynamic at work here.) In addition to what might be perceived as her interpretation there is what can not be so dismissed. Being the one personally involved, I can easily discern how she is falsely accusing me. I present to you the thread of communication as evidence for your considered judgment. I'm leaving nothing out of what I have with nothing to hide in presenting this documentation.

Here is our first contact, a comment Tamra posted to The Open Scroll Blog.

Bob, I just posted a comment but may have lost it, please bare with me - I have questions! Are you saying that the 'all seeing eye' is the 'image' of the beast and that the 'mark' will be the chip implant that is being tested in various places now? My biggest fear is the DNA tampering. How do we know that our DNA has not already been tampered with? During the days of Noah, ALL things of earth were corrupted, save Noah and his family. I think I remember reading in the Books of Enoch or somewhere that some were taken from the earth between the birth of Noah and the flood, but I cannot be sure of that. I think there is confusion between the two Enoch's of Genesis, that one walked with G-d and one was of the seed of the serpent through Cain. Ken Klein is suggesting that the pyramids were built in connection with G-d's Enoch. What is your answer to that and the separation of the two Enoch's? Many do not want to study the Books of Enoch or consider them because they are not included in the Bible and the confusion of the two. I want to thank you for the fantastic studies you have done about the Garden Story and the Who is Cain's Father study. You brought understanding to questions I had from the first time I read Genesis. It ALL makes sense now! I often refer others to your study, but sadly, most do not want to know the truth or change their beliefs and traditions that give them comfort.

Comment posted by Tamra on 10/11/10 to this post.

(You will notice upon visiting that post that no such comment appears. It was included in the blog-wide housekeeping sweep that I did on 1/22/11 when I became convicted that such were instances of my permitting a woman to speak in church. See Part 19: Jezebel vs Sarah - When a Woman Speaks in Church for an explanation. While most consider such activity as radical, it's really just simple obedience. That's my agenda, obedience.)

I responded to that with the following comment to the same post that same day (which was also purged on 1/22/11 because it was tied to one I deleted).

Hi Tamra, thanks for all the effort you put into posting your comment. Your questions are really good. I try to share about these very things as best I can from post to post because the Lord is really filling in the blanks day by day. I'm really grateful for you, reading about how the Lord granted you insight into Cain's paternity. This is a deeply hidden truth and few can or will find it. As you observed, most do take comfort in lies, and this is sad because it is in humbly becoming discipled by the One who is Truth that one is made free.

If you would, please email directly at my gmail address - "theopenscroll" - which I don't want to write out due to spam harvesting. Thanks and Blessings in Y'shua!

Tamra did send email. The first email I received follows.


Thank you for giving me permission to ask some of the questions I have, especially in reference to your studies and with your

To recap my concern's in short:

1) Is the 'all seeing eye' the image of the beast?

2) Will the mark most likely be the chip implant that is being used and tested in various places now?

3) How do we know that our DNA has not been tampered with and how do we protect our DNA from corruption or modification?

4) Do you believe the two Enoch's in Genesis are often confused and which Enoch is connected to the pyramid's and the secrets of freemasonry?

5) Are you aware of Ken Klein's claims about the pyramids and that humans today are actually good angels that created the earth with G-d and have forgotten their true identity? I personally find this dangerous. It is my belief that only G-d creates. All else is a manipulation of His creation. It is also my belief from many years ago, in 1988 when I was saved from the new age occult mysticism, transferring beliefs that we are gods or angels or aliens - are ALL serpent lies from the beginning. I continue to see so much of the new age ideas and teachings in the church today. The only truth I know or hold on to is the Word of G-d from the Scriptures. That is always my foundation and I weigh everything I hear or see with His Word, period. I believe you do to and I would like to know your opinion on this subject matter.

Also, do you recommend the Books of Enoch which I felt were glorious revelations of our G-d, and The Book of Jasher which I thought filled in so many details of Torah and showed the awesome powers of our G-d, His purposes and His ways?

Thank you for taking the time to help me with these questions. I am so thankful for ministries like yours and I always look forward to your gift of insight in these dark and troubled times.

As we keep looking for His return! Rev 22:20-21


Email I received from Tamra on 10/12/10.

My reply follows.

Hi Tamra,

Thanks for sending email. The comments on the blog are a wonderful feature but it is sometimes an inappropriate medium for dialog.

Because there are constraints on our interactions as male and female, and because most folks don't acknowledge them, there's a lot of harm being done amongst the saints. My addressing gender issues may seem strange, but when it comes to matters of commands and obedience, it has been confirmed to me time and again how the Lord honors simple obedience. There is a study online that may give you insight into why I am making this effort.

I really haven't yet given permission to ask questions because I don't yet have permission to answer. It would be easy for me to do what most saints do and simply answer your questions simply because you asked. It would be easy, and it would be presumptuous. Perhaps the Lord will permit me, perhaps not, because there is more to the matter than gender alone. For this reason, I must ask a couple questions. Are you married? If not, is your Father alive? Please understand that the Lord is exceeding generous when we submit to His ways, committing our ways to Him and placing our trust in Him and His provision for us. I suspect you know this to be true, dear sister.

Blessings in Y'shua!


Email I sent to Tamra on 10/13/10. (* A date of some note, worth mentioning.)

That was our last of the thread in our history of interpersonal communication. She never replied. My window of visibility into her response came through an email query from John (the Baptist) of Tribulation-Now, with whom I had just begun to correspond. Here's that email.

From: John Baptist
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 9:02 AM
To: Bob Schlenker
Cc: John Baptist
Subject: Can you explain this comment?

I received this comment for publication on Tribulation-Now.
Can you explain the statement in Red.
Surely this is a misunderstanding ... right?


It is just amazing how many believer watchmen are bloging and reporting about the DNA scheme recently. Last evening I watched Michael Hoggard's 2 hour video explaining the symbols and schemes of the enemy, complete with understanding of DNA, labrinths, yoga and the pineal gland. Remember the ending of the movie, 'ET' and the "lighted finger of the alien pointing to Elliot's forehead, saying I'll be right here!"? Wow! Then today Open Scroll is talking about this subject - like always. But wait, there's more! Druge Report has a report that Scientist unveil moving 3D holograms - interesting. I tried to ask Bob Schlenker how we can know if our DNA has not already been contaminated and if also, the 2 Enoch's are most often confused, so that some are saying that the Enoch that walked with God and left books that are not included in the Bible today (but referenced), is the same Enoch that built the pryimids. This is confusing, because one Enoch is with God and one Enoch is of the seed of satan. But, brother Bob cannot answer, because I am a women and he may not get to be the 'bride' if he answers or talks to a women. I have to admit, this disrupted my prayer life for a while since God is male gender. I was ashamed to be a women and felt unworthy to pray to my God. I have no problem with the man as head of the women, and praise Him for that! But treating me as less than a man was a bit harsh. I still learn from his blogs but I do hope other women aren't scorned so harshly. If you are given permission, perhaps you can answer these questions with your understanding on these matters. Thank you, and very good post!
2 Corinthians 2:11
"so that no advantage would be taken of us by satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes"


Ihulim Levaviim,
We are fishers of men. Fishermen don't bang gongs and scream to catch fish. They "wisely" bait their hooks and capture the imagination of the fish.

"The only thing that interferes with my learning God's will, is my education"

Matt 24 "...And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved"

I must admit, I was stunned. Here's my reply.

Wow! Hey, John. Thanks for passing that along. I was wondering why I never got a reply back from Tamra. There is some misunderstanding here. Instead of responding to my last request she jumped to a wrong conclusion. Close, but no cigar, like lies are to the truth. There’s a number of women who know me better who would would give a better informed and accurate testimony.

Since I don’t know if you had her permission to pass this on to me, I don’t want to write to her directly about this, so perhaps you would ask her to write to me about it.

Gender roles and our behavior as we interact as saints is addressed in the Bible. As with everything else I write about, some will get it and other’s won’t. Have you seen this post yet? When we stand before the Lord and give account for ourselves, I’d like to be honored then. You too.



Email I sent to John on 11/4/10 at 1:15 PM.

His response follows.

From: John Baptist
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 1:29 PM
To: Bob Schlenker
Subject: Can you explain this comment?

Well it really not my business but when I recevied the comment I didn't know how to handle it. Typically I just publish the comments but this one I believe I will edit prior to publishing and then offer to speak to her directly.

I understand your dedication to that portion of the scripture. I personally do not agree for a number of reasons but that's perfectly fine. Just as I do not judge my fellow christian Seventh Day Adventists, I defend all christians rights to interpret the meaning of scripture as they are led.

I will edit out that portion of her comment and then publish the rest with an invitation to assist her directly.

Remember in the "end time" your Women Shall prophecy ...

It's all good thanks for answering. I will handle with kid gloves and stand guilt free in front of the King.

My response follows.

Thanks John – I know she will appreciate the correction and deliverance that probably awaits, Lord willing.

By the way, what you wrote, including the “guilt free” comment, prompts me to follow up a little more with you on the subject. This is more than a conscience thing, as I suspect you may realize. Its about being found worthy. That’s what I’m striving for. When it comes to matters of unity and agreement, I know many who take a casual approach and who have been visited with what I recognize as the Lord’s judgment. There’s no way I want this for us!

I can see the Lord has drawn you in to the matter, and I think you can attest to the unlikelihood of this being coincidence. There really is a lot at stake for us. You said it’s not your business, but the Lord made it so when that email from Tamra came your way, didn’t He? I believe the Lord intends to bring a blessing our way, if we pursue it with love and passion. In this matter, you might consider that I may actually have some insight and experience.

You’re a smart guy. Give it some prayer and thought, please, brother. Let’s not pass by what blessings the Lord may bring. I’m betting we need everything He’s got for us.


Email I sent to John on 11/4/10 at 2:05 PM.

His response follows.

From: John Baptist
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 2:10 PM
To: Bob Schlenker
Subject: Can you explain this comment?

Yes but you assume the message arrived for my benefit and not yours. Let's drop this one Bob... okay?

Sent from my mobile device ...

My response that follows never received a reply.

I’m content. If the Lord brought it, He’ll bring it again. :)

Email I sent to John on 11/4/10 at 2:21 PM.

I wouldn't really expect a reply to that email, but there was no further email from John, period. The reason why will become obvious. The Lord was opening to me what was going on, that I had been blind-sided once again by what will be recognized by some of you as a classic Jezebelic attack.

After sending that last email I was busily carrying on with other activity, probably working on a blog post, but the Lord would not let this go. I put together the following email and sent it out.

Recipients: John, Aaron, Martin, Ken, Loren
Subject: Walking the Walk

It has come to my attention today that there is a need to be very forthright about the nature of what we’re onto here. If I’ve earned your respect, please give what I’m writing some very serious consideration.

The things we’ve been corresponding about are “big league.” You know this. The Lord will be shaking us as with the rest of the church. If you and I will stand, it will be only with the Lord’s substantial, necessary and timely help. If the Lord has not yet brought you, in your interpersonal relationships with other saints, to walk in the fear of God, you will be very shortly. What He has brought me through quite honestly at great cost is not special, just for me, preparation. If you don’t, already, I’m entirely confident that you will know this, and better sooner than later.

I won’t be long winded. Read this, if you would, and consider what the Lord might reveal.

This is a season where men must be men, and we must be aggressive in our pursuit of holiness and righteousness. Women likewise, must be women, and aggressively pursue holiness and righteousness as appointed to them. But men are not women, not those who will be found worthy of our Lord at His coming for His Bride.

We see the working of the spirit of antichrist sweeping broadly across the landscape. Adjacent to this is the spirit of Jezebel, working to bring fear and to control both women and men, or destroy them. I’ve observed how we are already under attack, already being plied as the Lord allows us to be tested and tried, preparing further for what is yet to come. Let us humble ourselves before the Lord and commit to learning and abiding in His ways so that none of us comes up short of the promise, working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. This isn’t just “general” truth – it’s for us now.

If the Lord is binding us to each other in these critical days, let’s each of us bring our honest best to the table. Let iron sharpen iron and a man sharpen the countenance of his friend. If I have no more tomorrows, what I have done today will bear witness of my faithfulness to the Lord’s command to love you, which is my essential duty and privilege.


Email I sent 11/4/2010 at 11/4/2010 4:42 PM

As I mentioned, to this day I haven't received another email from John. What I had become aware of was that a pattern I had seen before had emerging. The stream of emails I had begun to receive from him stopped cold. I was cut off. I understood that I was perceived as a threat and isolated for the sake of protection. I would have no confirmation of this by way of evidence if it weren't for a friend I made when John introduced me to some of his "insiders." Aaron later shared with me the email John had distributed when he "cut me out from the herd." Here it is.

From: John Baptist
Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Walking the walk [STRAIGHT TO HELL]
Recipients: Aaron, Martin, Ken, Loren

Aaron, Martin, Ken, Loren:

I am only going to say this one time. I had a run-in with Bob earlier today on this subject mater and he refuses to back down. He has some unacceptable beliefs and is hurting womens feelings and one in particular has sought me out in regard to these unfortunate beliefs.

My position is that he has lost his mind in regard to this matter and I will NOT be talking to him any longer.

I will be deleting his emails automatically from this point hence forth and no longer communicating with him or anyone else that persists in carbon copying him.

I do not have time for this nonsense. It is childish and irresponsible.

There is more to be shared about what transpired with John but all you've read here pertains to Tamra and is necessary to this matter at hand.

I haven't emailed Tamra. I've given the matter consideration since then, but the Lord's direction was just to wait. Yesterday, I noticed some Web traffic being pointed to my blog from another by CindyByTheSea. When I visited to see what the context was I noticed Tamra had posted a comment, which follows.

By: T on March 28, 2011 at 1:52 pm

I did watch this with Mike Hoggard’s direction in Feb, after noticing through the Holy Spirit right away by the picture in the headlines, it was indeed a hidden message. It gives me chills to see so many excited to follow her like sheep to the slaughter. I understand what Jesus said in Matt. 23:37, “…How often I wanted to gather her chicks together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”.

I am also worried about the follower’s of Open Scroll. I have read with wonder and interest, most of Bob’s writings. He sees so much of what most of us do not and need to be aware of or have our eyes opened. There was a point, after following his work, I had gotten rid of most of the things in my house and even silenced my clocks! My husband and children were ready to move out! Bob said he could not talk to me because I was a woman and did not have permission. He never posted my comments. I wondered about that and after a while I also noticed he didn’t post any comments that were not in total agreement and praise of his work. I also noticed that he had appeared to attack women, using Jezebel with an unmeasurable force and vengeance. I followed it until I no longer felt like I could pray to the Father because I was so unworthy and God would not listen to my prayers because I was a woman and perhaps I was not praying correctly. My prayer life was disrupted do to what this man was saying! Then I noticed that Bob confessed God TOLD him to divorce his wife and file bankruptcy. I am not aware that God tells us to sin for any reason, but that he forgives. I find it interesting that Bob wants so badly, like all of us, to be His “Bride”, but shows so much hatred for women. My husband said, occults are started with men like this, that seek to tare down women and see things that no one else does, finding evil in even a glass of water! I pray for the women that follow his ministry everyday. We aren’t all Jezebel’s and we are precious in His sight too.

Well, she and I have never spoken. You've read all our interaction, now made public. If you read the study from which she appears to have taken "her interpretations" (Propriety in the Assembly of the Saints) you'll have the full view of the situation.

Why would Tamra be campaigning against me with lies? Did you watch the videos? Have you been following the Jezebel vs Sarah series with careful obedience? Let me emphasize the last part by repeating it - with careful obedience. (James 1:22-25) Isn't it obvious?

You will note that Tamra's testimony against me was never truly questioned by John. Look back over the thread of emails. He simply accepted what she wrote at face value. The spirit of Jezebel works through subtlety, innuendo and artful control over the flow of "information." Neither did Martin, Ken or Loren truly question the legitimacy of John's demands, who neglected to act responsibly according to the requirements of scripture. You will also note that neither Cindy (By the Sea) nor any of the other commenters are acting responsibly in the matter of Tamra's libelous comment. How about you? Are you guilty of the same neglect of pursuing the truth of a matter when someone is accused? If so, you're an easy mark for Jezebel and her agents, wherever she may be found. Make note, this neglect will be judged, no matter who you are.

If you assume everyone who is friendly acting is a friend you have been taken in as a fool.

This is not a counter smear campaign or the engaging in malevolent mud-slinging. This is a post to my blog so those who read here will be able to glean some insight into the enemy's approach and some present battles being waged and have an opportunity to respond as the Lord leads.

This is not intended as a rally call to come defend my reputation. If you are led to engage in some way let me encourage you to do so. If you are led to hold your peace or withhold even prayer, then do so. Don't do what you'll regret doing, and don't withhold what you'll regret withholding. Be neither aggressive nor passive in approach but simply obedient to the spirit of the Lord and the revelation of the scriptures as He opens it to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.

It should be mentioned again in closing this lengthy post that judgment has surely come upon the church, as I have testified in the company of many others who bring forth from supernatural insight, visions and dreams and the interpretation of signs in the heavens and signs in the earth. It is our duty to love one another.

With regard to John Seitzinger (John the Baptist), it's appropriate that I should act in accordance with the directive given in 1 Timothy.

19) Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.
20) Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.
21) I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.
1 Timothy 5:19-21

In this regard, here's another witness.

My name is Aaron Hermann ( theultimateplan -at- gmail dotcom ), and I had an opportunity to be one of the "insiders" of the Tribulation-Now web site run by a man who refers to himself as John "The Baptist". During my time as a Tribulation-Now "insider", I witnessed a great deal that ran counter to Scripture and violated, what I believe is, the true nature of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Although I knew something was terribly wrong, I was not yet familiar with the Jezebel dynamic.

By the love, grace, mercy, patience, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ I was delivered out of the pit I had fallen into, and set free from the snare that had caused me to stumble. It is a true honor, and privilege, to stand with Bob in this matter as we stand arm-in-arm for the Glory and Honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this matter of obedience, and righteousness.

I am willing to bear witness, and give my testimony, to anyone who is interested in hearing it. As Bob has previously noted, this is not a "smear campaign", nor is it a matter of retribution . . . it is a matter of obedience as we seek to be counted amongst the righteous, and worthy, at the second coming of our King.

Mother Nature strikes again

Resplendent in white
London, ON, March 2011
About this photo: We're continuing our exploration of the March Madness theme with this late-winter blast of snow. You can explore, too, by heading here.
I can accept that everyone complains about the weather. It's the one factor that universally touches everyone's daily life, the one thing that all of us, friend or stranger alike, can quickly discuss no matter where we may be.

But there's a limit to how often any sane person can take the same whining about how cold it is, how uncomfortable it is, how unfair it all is, how it needs to end soon, blah, blah, blah. And I think I surpassed that limit long ago. Some complainers are so emotional that you swear they're about to start crying, as if there's some sort of grand plan behind their meteorological misery.

Not quite. Weather happens. There's no grand plan behind it. We can't control it. We can't change reality.

When snow blankets the region for the umpteenth time in a difficult winter that never seems to want to end, our choice is to either let it bother us, or find the happy. On this day, I chose the latter, and am glad I did.

Your turn: How do you find the happy?

QOTD #10 - On misusing technology

"Technology's only great when you know how to use it."
Daniel Hesse, CEO of Sprint
I see way too many people spend way too much money on way too many gadgets that they'll never manage to use in a barely effective manner, let alone master. The goal for most, sadly, seems to be acquisition, and trumpeting to others of same, and not actually using the wonder-device to improve things for themselves and those around them.

It would be easy for me to say the current volume surrounding iPad 2 (should I buy it? Should I wait in line? Should I sell my eldest child?) is prompting today's choice for this QOTD. But in reality, iPad 2 is yet another in a long line. The story always remains the same.

Your turn: What happens when the shine wears off the new wonder-gadget?

QOTD #9 - On life not being a game

“In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.”
Isaac Asimov
Your turn: Does it?

When planes almost crash

Permanently stuck
London, ON, March 2010
About this photo: We're celebrating March Madness all week long. Click here if you'd like to jump into the fray.
Diamond Aircraft has been a success story on the local business landscape since its Austrian parent first started assembling its innovative private aircraft designs here.

Whereas the typical private plane was designed before humans could talk - the Cessna 172's design, for example, dates back to 1955 - Diamond's DA20 (pictured above) replaces Winnebago-esque sheetmetal and engines that make a Ford Pinto's mill look positively state-of-the-art with modern carbon fibre airframes and powerful, efficient engines.

In recent years, the company's been trying to expand beyond its private aviation roots, and its staked its future on the D-Jet, a low-cost, 5-seat jet. Various governments have already approved loans to develop the plane. The problem: A final, $35 million loan to kickstart actual production has been stalled. The federal election campaign that just got underway isn't going to accelerate matters.

My take? This isn't some pie-in-the-sky program. Governments have already committed to it, and 240 orders for the plane have already been received. The fate of 200 remaining employees and one of the shining lights of the local economy dangle in the balance while governments dither. If this continues much longer, it won't do much good to counter the belief that London's "open for business" claims are little more than wishful thinking.

Madness indeed.

Your turn: How should governments help local economies? Are they doing enough now? Too much? Do tell...

QOTD #8 - On nuclear

It was only a matter of time before I tapped into my inner Homer Simpson, whose Thanksgiving-time perspective on the industry that employs him seems particularly misguided in light of the unfolding nuclear mess in Japan:
"Lord, we are especially thankful for nuclear power, the cleanest, safest energy source there is."
Homer Simpson
Your turn: If not nuclear, then what?

Mad lungs

Little man's been out of school for the past week-and-a-half with bronchitis. We've been trying to perk him up with a steady stream of movies. They give him something else to think about when he can't sleep because of the coughing and congestion.

Good times.

So when it was time to bring the latest batch of rentals back to the local Blockbuster (news flash: we still rent DVDs...there's something about physical media that I'm not yet ready to give up) he asked if he could come with. Dad-of-the-year that I am, I told him to ask Mom. We figured he was well enough to feel fresh air, so off we went.

I took this shot just as we got into the car. The smile says it all. I know one boy's bout with bronchitis doesn't amount to a whole lot in the overall scheme of things, but we still hope this little bit of madness is over for him soon.

Your turn: What's your cure for cabin fever?

QOTD #7 - On vision

"Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass."
Anton Chekhov
Every time I sit down to write something, I agonize over how I'll find the words to take an abstract thought and turn it into something that paints a picture, a scene, a mood, an emotion, a whatever for a total stranger.

Coming up with words that reflect that proverbial glint of light on broken glass? I guess that's both my challenge and my opportunity.

Your turn: How do you make your words count?

One more thing: Looking for Thematic? It's right here.

Part 3: Lady Gaga Shares Hitler's Vision of a New Race

Lady Gaga's dramatic red carpet entrance at the 2011 Grammy Awards in February was literally a magick ceremony. Corresponding with the introduction of the video version of the new gay anthem "Born This Way," the award ceremony and related media interview theatrics were leveraged to draw attention to the song's theme of birthing a new race. The subject of transhumanism is now in the news almost daily, drawing mainstream attention. Is humanity as we know it doomed, with efforts like Lady Gaga's pop magic spells joining with "hard science" efforts in such as big Pharma to give mankind a leg up on the evolutionary ladder? Given what the Bible says, I am convinced the answer is yes, and in not many years hence.

Todays news is that Born This Way is at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts for the sixth week in a row. To celebrate that, Gaga released a country version of the song, yes, a country version! She's doing a round-up for Brokeback Mountain folk?

I don't plan to make a career out of analyzing Gaga's activity but I have invested a pretty significant effort in coming to understand what this latest shtick is about. Reverse speech can be very revealing, effectively "spilling the beans" about what's really going on behind any superficial facade. When we access and listen in on this presumed secure channel of communication we have legitimate intel into the plans of those engaging in the chatter. From the other indications, I had no reason to doubt the sincerity of Lady Gaga's birthing of a new race, but what I heard from her and her Creative Director when I listened on the bean spilling back-channel is worth sharing with those of you who can receive it.

Here are videos I just published that present some of what I heard.

[video] Lady Gaga on Showbiz Tonight - backwards

That interview was with Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, Feb. 17. When she said "I was in there for three days," the reverse speech of that phrase suggests that she was indeed inside the vessel for that long, "Say it here: Certainly I was a wimp." She didn't offer any explanation about it being a requirement for ritual magick, of course, but the reverse speech is entirely consistent with that understanding of her activity and not at all with what must be seen as a pretext. The cover story during the interview was about promoting safe sex and anti-HIV. Bunk. Bogus.

The Catholic "flying" Nun hat and the horn prosthetics she was wearing still four days after the ceremonial birthing at the Grammy Awards, neither of which she talked about, tips us off about what the latex condom inspired clothing and the whole gimmick was really about. The bit about a Nun is that she is supposed to be married to Christ. Nuns are basically a priestess cult and goddess worshiping rip-off of the true Bride of Christ. I already addressed how the condom clothing worn by her entire Grammy troupe supported Lady Gaga's Immaculate Conception comment and points to a supernatural other-dimensional conception, and also how she was "as the queen mother Isis, Mary Queen of Heaven and a new Eve - Mother Monster." What all this means is that she is presenting herself in this interview as the Bride of AntiChrist opposite to the Bride of Christ, anti-last-Eve-to-the-last-Adam, as it will be.

Her lipstick promotion during the interview (in a widely practiced and very effective charity ploy) is appropriate as she follows the perverse cosmetic "enhancement" customs of the fallen.

1) And Azazel taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields, and breastplates. And he showed them the things after these, and the art of making them; bracelets, and ornaments, and the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes. And the world was changed. 2) And there was great impiety, and much fornication, and they went astray, and all their ways became corrupt. 3) Amezarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots, Armaros the release of spells, and Baraqiel astrologers, and Kokabiel portents, and Tamiel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the path of the Moon. 4) And at the destruction of men they cried out; and their voices reached Heaven.
Enoch Chapter 8

Here's another reverse speech video, this one from the interview of Gaga's Creative Director on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards that I transcribed in Part One.

[video] "Why - How Weird's This" - Laurieann Gibson Explains Lady Gaga's Grammy Stunt

In that interview, which should be familiar from Part One of this series, I hear, "Other form, men to get." If there is any doubt about what this means just consider some of the context.

(key: forward <> reversal)
Laurieann said, "She's a masterful artist and as a -"
collaborator. <> Heard ear a battle
It's about <> They are busy
our design and our <> drawn in owls they'd got
destiny so this is a <> business is they'll see emphasize
message that's <> sss- earth she'd ascend
bigger than both of us. <> Other form, men to get

I read the reversal flowing something like this.

Heard - ear - a battle. They are busy. Drawn in. Owls, they'd got. Business, is - they'll see. Emphasize. sss- earth - she'd ascend. Men to get other form.

Who is busy? The demonic entities being served. I believe Owls here is a reference to the fallen Watchers (owls WATCH with big bright eyes), like Azazel, Amezarak, Armaros and their agents. Their business is to hijack the race of those who are made in the Creator's image, and this, we WILL see as the mark of the Beast. The Earth's kingdoms of this age belong to Satan, and the slight hiss heard in the reversal is a familiar reference. Who will ascend but Gaga, who, representative of the hybrid race, is incubating in the vessel. Men to get other form? Indeed!

During an interview given the following night, Gaga described an outfit she wore at the Grammys to Jay Leno as being "inspired by humanoids uh alien sex humanoid hybrid woman." The speech reversals testify that this really is what it's about!

Similar testimony to this is becoming familiar, suggesting that this rebirthing will at some point be recognized as a Nephilim rebirth, of those spawn of the angelic Watchers and their Adam-kind wives; a retrofit extension and reentry into this realm as this present generation is brought to a dramatic conclusion.

Where Laurieann said, "become part of the new race," I hear in the reversal, "See our end of the nacht marked." The word "nacht" is German for "night" a familiar word in reverse speech. Are you following along here with what it means? When she said, "We're birthing a new race tonight" I hear, "Beyond us - see our winning it." When she said, "The inspiration came out of that brilliant record that she wrote Born This Way" I hear the following.

Born This Way <> Yeah I will ascend though
brilliant record that she wrote <> War wish - add their help below

Add their help, below? That's what it takes. Won't she be surprised when she discovers the promised "ascension" will actually result in a descending.

I want to call attention to "War wish" and what it means. Above, she mentioned "see our winning this" and I think you can consider that in the context of a war in the heavens. (Judges 5:20, Revelation 12:7) A similar expression mentioned earlier, "Heard - ear - a battle," is the reversal of the word "collaborator," when Laurieann called Gaga a masterful artist and a collaborator. The collaboration is between Lady Gaga and who, or what? What is the battle Laurieann heard reference to with supernatural hearing? In the reverse speech from Gaga's interview on GMA she can be heard to say, "They at war here." (at 1:50 into the video above) It doesn't take a genius to figure out what kind of plans are being made in secret. This collaborative action is a conspiracy against you and I. These are the beans being spilled in so many ways, and more of us perceive it who are awake and can accept it!

When the Lord opens your eyes and ears, you learn about what the Bible really says about our time, and the signs He promised to reveal to those who watch faithfully with obedience, wisdom and passion become obvious. This is my testimony and the testimony of a growing number of saints.

Another video I published a while back about Lady Gaga's reverse speech presents her during a concert, testifying of such as soul harvesting. [video] Lady Gaga in concert - tells it like it is

Have you considered why Born This Way combines the themes of the birth or rebirth of a new race with the promotion of homosexual behavior? Are you familiar with the biblical record of Sodom and Gomorrah, and aware of the fact that those homosexual Canaanites were irredeemable serpent-man hybrids? Are you aware of what really happened in the garden of Eden with the serpent and Eve and the serpent and Adam? If not, let me strongly encourage you to consider what you'll read here, Who is Cain's Father?, most particularly parts Two and Three. Then, Born This Way will make sense. Those who dwelled in the land as Canaanites in those cities that were destroyed by fire and brimstone were of the serpent family tree. The "new" race birthed will be of their kind, what the Bible refers to as thorns, thistles and tares. Their "Gay" agenda is the replacement of the Creator's kind with a serpent-kind.

Read Romans chapter one. Read Jude. Is it making more sense? Think about judgment. The reason why Gaga and Gibson ("We're birthing a new race that uh doesn't have the ability to hate, or judgment in their DNA.") are so big on stamping this deal with a "judgment free zone" label is because the Watcher collaborators are bitter about what happened to Cain's line and their own closely related Nephilim race at the flood of Noah's day. They are bitter about what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Like Jonah, as I wrote in the last post, they are not at all happy about the Lord's judgment, which only ever turns out quite badly for the rebellious. You and I should understand why this bold lie about hate and judgment is a core issue and very personal with them. Judgment was upon them in the past and so it will remain until what has been appointed them is fully accomplished. They cannot escape this, and while it remains it is a sore burden to them. They know well the looming reality of what is set forth in Romans chapter 1.

Regarding this new race, Lady Gaga has laid hold of an ancient goal, one shared by Adolph Hitler.

"Hitler’s aim was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. His real aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the “apparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men.”"

The above is a quote from "The Dawn of Magic" by Louis Pauwells and Jacques Bergier as found in Tom and Nita Horn's latest book, Forbidden Gates. Following that quote, Horn makes the following observation.

"One cannot read the conclusion by Pauwells and Bergier regarding Hitler’s antichrist ambition without seeing how it corresponds perfectly with the goals of transhumanism, even to the connection of creating post-human bodies fit for deity incarnation through genetic engineering."

This is the race Gaga, Gibson and crew strives to birth and rebirth in the earth. It will be rebirthed because what will be has already been. The end of this latter incursion will resemble that of the earlier, and like it, destruction of the partnering children of men will be its partner.

More to come, Lord willing.

Thematic Photographic 139 - March Madness

Let them eat cake
London, ON, March 2010

This week's Thematic theme, March Madness, comes to us courtesy of Dana, better known online as Awareness. A writer, a poet, a photographer and an incredibly astute observer of the human condition, her blog has been a must-read for me for years.

As you mull over what photos to share this week, keep the following in mind:
  • It must have been taken during the month of March
  • It should illustrate some semblance of madness, silliness or irreverence. If it makes you smile, it's good.
That's it. Off to the races we go...

Your turn:
Share a March Madness-themed pic on your site (or choose something that you already uploaded) and leave a comment here letting folks know where to find it. Visit other participants' sites to share the joy. Repeat as often as you wish through the week. Don't forget to smile. Thematic instructions, if you need 'em, are here.

About this photo: Why did I choose cake as my launch photo? Because closeups of cake are kinda silly. And it makes me smile every time I get ideas like this in my head and reach for the camera.

QOTD #6 - On perpetual childhood

"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
C. S. Lewis
Your turn: I've never understood why children seem to lose that sense of wide-eyed curiosity and goodness when they become adults. For too many of us, life seems to beat it out of us, and I'm not entirely sure why. Do we really need to "grow up"?

Is this Wonderland?

White. For now.
London, ON, December 2010
About this photo: We're closing out Thematic's transition theme (click here for a last-minute fix), and given the weather that's been repainting much of the landscape for so many of us this week, I thought it would be appropriate to revisit the winter that was - and apparently still is. Sooner or later, the great transition known as spring is inevitable. (New theme launches tomorrow eve.)
As you can see, Frasier is not the world's largest dog. Mind you, for a Miniature Schnauzer, he's somewhat outsized for the breed, taller and broader than most others we've seen. Yet another thing that sets him apart and makes him special.

His size works against him in conditions like this. Huge snowdrifts block his view and make it hard for him to leap into the snowpack - as he'll eagerly do when the packed snow doesn't tower over him. And when he does, it's quite the joy to watch him take it all in. He bounds through the white stuff like a jackrabbit, sticking his head deep down when he finds something he likes. You know he's really enjoying himself when the snorting reaches fever pitch. I like to stand there and just drink in his energy.

Around these parts and elsewhere, it's been a winter and then some. And the Twitterverse (and blogosphere, and Facebook planet, and...) have been rife with endless complaints about the weather. But as I hold the leash and feel him pull me along, I can't help but think that whining about the weather is a pretty useless practice. It is what it is, and nothing we do will change it. So why not be like Frasier and throw ourselves into it? Good question: Looks like my dog taught me something, after all.

Your turn: What else can animals teach us?

QOTD #5 - On Liz Taylor

I'm not one to worship at the cult of celebrity. Not much and not at all. But sometimes, Hollywood seeps into my life in ways I can't even begin to explain. I present Elizabeth Taylor, who as everyone on and off the planet now knows passed away yesterday at the age of 79, as a prime example.

She was a huge star in an era when being an icon meant something. Her star had faded by the time I came along, but my parents, who also tended to view all things celeb-like with suspicion, always spoke about Ms. Taylor in reverent tones, as if she was somehow different from the other stars who came and went.

Indeed, she was different, as her later-in-life charitable work in many ways eclipsed anything she may have ever done onscreen. She led a purposeful life, and left the world better than she found it. So when I heard the news, I thought it would be strangely appropriate to share this quote of hers. It shows she wasn't simply a creation of celebrity. She understood what really mattered well beyond Lalaland:
"I hope with all of my heart that I have made a difference in the lives of people with AIDS. I want that to be my legacy."
Elizabeth Taylor
Your turn: I think she got her wish. What about you?

Gravity claims another victim

When the ref calls icing
London, ON, December 2010
[Click here to share your own transition-themed moment]

Winter can be a tough time to be a photographer if you live in Canada. Short days make it hard to get outdoors because by the time you're finished working, living and foraging for sustenance in the frozen foods aisle, it's dark outside and the last thing you really want to do is head out for a photo shoot. Besides, it's probably snowing, and the dog needs to be walked.

But being the polite Canadian that you are, you take your camera with you, anyway, and you try to make do with whatever situations you encounter. Like a skating session for the kids at a local rink. The lighting's just dim enough to dash any hopes of shutter speeds fast enough to freeze a moving snail, let alone a flailing child. And you risk life, limb and very expensive glass by stupidly venturing out onto the ice so you can see your little ones close-up. In retrospect, not smart.

So you change your approach. You won't be bringing home tack sharp today. But deliberately slow, painted images of munchkins in motion may be just enough to shake up your mid-winter mind. Maybe.

And when some unknown munchkin stumbles past you on her way to an inevitable soft landing on the ice, you know this one capture makes the entire exercise worthwhile. Sometimes, the picture you bring home is light-years removed from one one you hoped to bring home. It's just as well: Predictability is so oversold.

Your turn: What's this little one thinking?

QOTD #4 - On preparation

"If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin."
Ivan Turgenev
I remember thinking this very thought when my then-girlfriend/now-wife and I began discussing marriage, before we bought our first house, and again when we decided to have kids.

I suspect that life isn't about filling in every checkbox or being absolutely certain about everything before setting out. It's about knowing when to cast off your lines and set sail, doubts be damned.

Your turn: When do you know when it's time to get moving? How do you know?

Final approach

Dropping out of the sky
Delray Beach, FL, December 2010
Click all photos to enlarge
About this photo: Thematic. Transition. Here. Much fun. Really.
Birds are designed to fly, with bodies that, thanks to countless generations of evolution, have been remarkably optimized for flight. So when they're efficiently cruising through the sky, everything about them is precisely as it should be: Light, streamlined, agile.

But what goes up must eventually come down, and all birds will, at some point, have to land. And when they do, the nature of these incredible flying machines changes radically. Wings go from streamlined and tapered to draggy and curved. Legs go from tucked in to fully extended. Airplanes do the same thing as they prepare to land, with flaps extended, gear down and nose flared. But birds do it so much more purely. As they should. Because they invented it.

When I watch the gulls prepare to return to terra firma, I realize how tenuous this period is. A breeze, a mean-spirited neighbor-bird, a curious child...anything can throw the bird's careful balance off at this critical aerodynamic moment. Yet somehow they always manage to recover from whatever it is that hits them, and they always manage to hit the ground in one piece (seriously, have you ever seen a bird crash-land?)

We would all be so lucky to handle transitions - flying or other - so gracefully.

Your turn: How do you handle tricky transitions?

QOTD #3 - On parenthood

Little man's had a few rough days*. And any parent with a sick kid knows that even if you manage to avoid catching what he/she has, the experience weighs on you, too, in oh so many ways.

The good news? Fever and congestion can make him miserable and sad, but they can't sap his sweet spirit. Small miracles, indeed. With this in mind, I thought this one would be particularly appropriate today:
"Kiss your children goodnight, even if they are already asleep."
H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Your turn: Why is tuck-in so precious?

One more thing: Thanks again for being so enthusiastic about our new QOTD feature. I know it's hardly an innovative thing, but I'm nevertheless enjoying having it as part of the daily flow here at Written Inc. I'll try to tweak things as we go along, and am always open to suggestions. As part of this process, I'm adding links to each author's wiki page.

I'm also setting the daily posting time at 6:30 a.m. Because that's my favorite time of day, when things are at their most quiet before the house - and the world - awakens. Let me know what you think.

* The verdict from our doc: bronchitis, and we're still waiting for the meds to start knocking his fever and cough down to size.

Crash. Then gone.

Nature's power
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2010
About this photo: We're exploring transitions this week as part of our latest Thematic theme. If you're got something that even remotely connects - and we're hoping you do - just click here to get the proverbial party started.
As images from Japan continue to dominate news coverage across the planet, I can't stop thinking about waves, and the power they have to change everything around them.

The tsunami that rewrote the landscape of Japan's eastern coastline and literally wiped entire cities off the map is an extreme example of the power of nature. I've spent too much time standing at the edge of the sea, staring at waves as they crash ashore, shooting them with my camera in a near-vain attempt to capture what makes them tick. I can't quite explain my fascination with this place, but it keeps drawing me back every time we're on vacation, and I'm entirely too glad to go along for the ride.

I've always been struck by how much energy these things carry with them, and how quickly that energy is turned into history. They're here, spectacularly, and then they're gone. Just like that. Most of the time, this process repeats itself routinely, essentially ignored by the rest of the world. Most of the time.

I hope I never witness anything approaching the scale of a tsunami. I hope the communities devastated by the one that followed the mega-quake can find a way to rebuild themselves. I give thanks that I have what I have.

And sometime soon, I'll return to the edge of the planet. And once again I'll point my lens at the pounding surf. And maybe in the churning waters I'll see hope for a better future.

Your turn: Why do waves fascinate us?

QOTD #2 - On destiny

Y'all liked my quote-of-the-day idea so much that I've decided to run with it. I'll be posting a new one early each morning, right on time for some breakfast/off-to-school-and-work thoughtfulness. Ping me if you've got some quotes of your own to suggest.

This being Monday and all, I thought this one might be an appropriate way to start the work week:
"It's not the load that breaks you down. It's the way you carry it."
Lena Horne
Your turn: How will you be carrying your load this week?

One more thing: Thematic's transition theme is most certainly on. Click here to dive in.

Thematic Photographic 138 - Transition

In the western sky
Laval, QC, August 2010
Click photo to embiggen, and here for more info on Thematic

Many thanks to Titanium* for suggesting this week's theme, transition. I'm not entirely sure I have what it takes to do her theme justice, but I'll certainly do my best to do just that this week. I hope you'll come along for the transitional ride.

Mine begins with one of my favorite moments of any day, when the sun slips below the horizon. It's more than just an orbital dance; it's an invitation to take stock, to reflect, and to look forward to the next gift of a day.

In the end, they're all gifts, aren't they?

Your turn: Please post a transition-themed photo to your blog - or find something you may have already posted - and leave a comment here letting folks know where to find it. Repeat as often as you wish, and feel free to pull in unsuspecting friends, too. Visit other participants to spread the photographic joy. And click here if you want more background on how Thematic, our weekly photo-sharing extravaganza, works. Have fun!

* If you haven't visited her blog, you're missing an inspirational treat. She lives in Alaska, climbs mountains, and paints pictures with her camera and pen that never fail to make my jaw drop.

QOTD #1 - On resilience

I'm going to try something new on the blog, and I'm looking for your thoughts on it. I'm thinking of posting a quote of the day, a quick kind of entry that's designed to make us think or reflect. It'll be a daily thing, and I'm considering a routine schedule - perhaps early in the morning - to get everyone's day off to a thoughtful start.

It'll complement the usual nuttiness - Thematic, observations of life and whatever else hits my brain - that marks the ebb and flow here at Written Inc. Here's a sample:
"We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again."
Nathanael Greene
Your turn: What do you think? Is Quote of the Day worth continuing?

He was a good frog

Jump no more
Delray Beach, FL, December 2010
About this photo: We're winding down the latest Thematic theme, late (click here to share), and preparing for the next new theme, transitions. It launches for it.
The scene: I'm shooting pictures around the edge of the pool while the kids wear themselves out in the water. They're old enough now that I no longer have to sit high up and watch them, hawk-like, like the lifeguard I once was. I'm still hyper-vigilant, of course, but I can also afford to pick up a camera and multitask a bit. One of the benefits of age, I guess.

I come across this frog floating in the pool. I carefully remove its clearly lifeless form because even frogs deserve to not end up sucked into the skimmer basket. I'm trying to avoid drawing attention to myself, as I don't want to upset the little folks. As I try to quickly remove the frog from sight, our youngest son notices what I'm up to and swims on over. I'm not going to fake this one: I have to admit the poor little fella is dead.

Noah pauses. In that moment, I can almost hear his mind churning, wondering what we do next. When he starts talking again, he's no longer the frenetic munchkin excitedly sharing Every Last Detail of his swimming adventures. He's quieter, more thoughtful, almost as if someone flipped a switch in him. He seems older, somehow, as he suggests finding a quiet spot to bury him. We both agree on the landscaped cedar-shingle bed behind the bushes at the edge of the pool.

"But you're going to take a picture of him, right Dad?"

I do. And we carefully walk behind the bushes and find a nice spot for him. "I bet he was a good frog," says Noah. I nod quiet agreement, thinking to myself that the growing boy who made this moment happen is pretty good in his own right.

Your turn: How do you explain death to a child?
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