The sun sets on another...

Laval, QC, August 2010
About this photo: Thematic Photographic has been sharing our favorite photos of 2010, and we'll be doing this right through January 6th. If you've got some fave shots, click here to get started.
I'm cheating a little, as I featured a similar picture from this same shoot here. But I learned a long time ago that shooting more than one shot of a particular scene reduces the chance of coming home with nothing. Because if all you've got is one frame and it's a dud for whatever reason, you've got nothing.

This photo is quite likely one of my favorites of the year not simply because it reflects a fleetingly spectacular moment that I was privileged to see. No, there's more to it. I took it from my in-laws' balcony. Every time I'm there, I shoot sunsets, usually bolting from the dinner table to grab the moment before it's gone. My mother-in-law often watches through the window and suggests when I might want to head outside. Even if it comes in the middle of dinner. She gets it.

So this pic isn't my favorite simply because it's aesthetically pleasing. It lingers in the happy pile because it illustrates that photography has become so much more than a mechanical process for me. It's a way of connecting with family, friends, and all of you. It starts conversations, gets everyone thinking, inspires them to take the picture and turn it into action. And even if they never touch a camera, the process touches them in some way. Neat.

The seemingly simple process of lifting a box of electronics to my face and pressing a button now goes way beyond the creation of two-dimensional images. It's become a critical part of my narrative - and I strongly suspect of yours, too. That's also neat. I think that thought, coupled with this picture, is a nice way to close out the year.

Your turn: May the coming year bring only goodness to you and your family, and may we all continue to drink in the amazing things this planet has to offer us. I've never been one to make resolutions on arbitrary days of the calendar, but I've got hopes and dreams for the future. What are yours?
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