Alone among the crowds
Toronto, ON, December 2010
[Please click here to share your curved vision]
The dad in me always wants to view the world through our kids' eyes. And if I can't precisely accomplish this, I at least hope to get the occasional peek over their shoulder. Not because of any Big Brother-ish intentions, but because seeing things as they see them is good for the soul. It teaches us about the things that really ought to matter, because kids have a neat way of cutting through the clutter and figuring out what's really important, and why.
On this morning, I found myself walking a few steps behind our youngest son. We were heading to Florida on vacation, and he was about to board a plane for the first time. We had already talked extensively about the theories of flight and walked through what he would expect as the plane started its takeoff run.
He's a smart, insightful, thoughtful kid, so I knew he understood the theory implicitly. But he's still a little boy, and it was hard to tell, as we walked back to meet the rest of the family, whether he was just a little scared by the adventure that was about to begin. The very big airport filled with lots of strangers surrounding him seemed to be the perfect context for the day - and for this photo. As I tripped the shutter, I found myself wishing he'd always have all the help he needs to navigate whatever curves life throws at him.
Your turn: What's he thinking?