A visit ends. A journey begins.
London, ON, September 2010
There's a mournful moment when you drop someone off at the train station, then hang around trackside as the cars pull away and slowly clickety clack into the distance. There's no one left behind but you because, let's face it, nobody except you hangs around train stations to wave goodbye to friends and family who, by this point, can't even see you standing there.
But still, you stand there. Because before you turn around and walk back into the rest of the world, you realize it's good for the soul to pause in this now-quiet place. Because you don't always have to be in a rush to get somewhere when you find yourself in between chapters of your day, or your life. And even if you are, whatever it is that's waiting for you can wait just a little longer.
Because it can take a while for the train to completely disappear and for the clickety clack to fade from your ears. And how often do you get back here to enjoy the moment?
Your turn: Do you ever stop and think?