With current events in view, many more folks all over the world are getting serious about how to get ready for the trouble they see coming. You'll notice I haven't been shouting about food storage, investing in gold or living remote and off the grid. What I've been shouting is how to get yourself ready in the Lord because He's where safety is, if we need safety. He's where everything is when we need it.
What I'm not saying is "do nothing but just trust Jesus and everything will be ok." What I am saying in contrast is that when some thing must be done in preparation, you'll only know it as you recognize His voice and do it. Otherwise, what's done is just carnal activity in the interest of self preservation or preservation of what is perceived as your stuff. The burden to know whats and whens is upon each of us.
I'm not a community organizer, except as I call people to humble themselves and seek the Lord for what needs to be done. I have no compound, no bunker or shelter prepared, and have no association with such. I have no flight plan, no plan to flee anywhere when trouble visits my locality. This is fitting for me, and maybe for you. Or, perhaps your thing is different and you're making some kind of special provision for the future. The right thing to do is what's right for you now as directed by the Lord Himself. If you can't have confidence in that, you've missed the undercurrent of my blogging. See and hear through His eyes and ears, knowing what He opens to you. What I'm speaking of now in a generality I address in the particulars from post to post.
What I do know about the times and seasons I'll share with you as the Lord directs. I've written about how America won't be greatly diminished until after two kings have been defeated. Iraq's already was, and next up is Iran's. Perhaps what's going on with Egypt and Jordan is as sparks that light that fire, I don't know, only that I feel like it's been due for a while now. What I see coming up in 2015 will require America being bounced, having gone down then having arisen in another form. How much time is required for such a bounce I do not know. I have some answers, but many more questions.
Whether I will be around tomorrow or the next day, or whether blog posts will continue to show up in your in-box, I don't know. I feel an urgency to do what I'm here to do, today, as I am enabled. I hope you understand that the kind of things the Lord is bringing forth here isn't for entertainment's sake, or because I like to hear the sound of my voice. Take what's here for you and get it good. Tomorrow, some of you will need it and what it gets you. The Lord's purposes are being accomplished in the earth. You are involved. Praise the Lord!
Some links of interest:
Bill Clinton continues to be cast in a light as heir apparent of the throne of Antichrist.
'President of the world: The Bill Clinton phenomenon' (1/31 - MSNBC) AIRING PRESIDENTS’ DAY: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AT 10 PM ET/PT ON MSNBC
Clinton Unites PepsiCo, Coca-Cola at Davos Summit (1/28 - Bloomberg Businessweek)
After the session, Carol Realini, executive chairwoman of Obopay Inc., a Redwood, California-based company that enables money transfers through mobile handsets, said she “pushed” through the crowd to introduce herself. “There are a ton of really important people here, but Clinton is impressive,” she said. “He’s a hero.”
What the following article says to me is affirmation that, yes, this deal is about offspring - not Hillary's or Chelsea's but the serpent's.
Bill Clinton says Hillary wants grandkids more than presidency (1/29 - ontheredcarpet.com)
Google Comes Under Fire for 'Secret' Relationship with NSA (1/25 - Yahoo News)
Foundations Of Science Shaken: DNA Can Teleport Says Professor Jeff Reimers (1/13 - cultureclashdaily.com)