Laval, QC
August 2009
This painting graced the living room of my parents' old house when I was growing up. Like so many other choices they made in interior decoration, I often wondered about this one. Mind you, I'm not one to judge, as I'm sure my own home isn't going to be featured on the cover of any magazine anytime soon, and I'm sure our kids have already come to their own conclusions about my decidedly limited sense of design.
Still, this particular work always haunted me, especially if I happened to glance up just before bedtime. I'm not sure what it was about him that gave me pause, but he always seemed to be watching me as I trundled around the big room.
The old man survived the move to my parents' condo and now casts glances on an entirely new generation of Levys. Whoever the artist is, I wish he/she knew how deeply ingrained this one work has become in the fabric of my life, and that of my family.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
This just in: My mom confirms that this painting was/is by an artist named David Pelbam (1932-2004). He was originally from Rhode Island, and specialized in paintings of sea captains, dockworkers and rabbis. According to his very sparse biography on, he did most of his work between 1950 and 1960.