Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2008
[Please click here to share your own pictures of strangers]
I'll likely never know if the woman in this shot knew I was taking her picture. I think she made eye contact with me, but beyond the furtive glance pictured here, she didn't respond more overtly. No screaming. No jumping out of her chair. No chasing me down the beach or trying to rip the memory card from my camera.
Still, I thought it was sweet that these two were having such a relaxing day at the beach, and I didn't want to forget what it felt like to stumble across a moment like this. You see all sorts of people at the beach, and some of them, even if they're total strangers, deserve more than just a passing glance.
Your turn: What makes a stranger worth remembering?
One more thing: I'm back in the air again today...heading to Minneapolis for a couple of days. Never been there. Don't know what to expect. Likely won't have a whole lot of time to explore, anyway, but I'll probably find a quick moment or two to snag some images on a memory card. As ever, I'll use the Internet to connect with home. I can't imagine being far from home and not being able to reach out with such ease.