Of all the news, what is being accomplished in the wake of Egypt's coup seems of the greatest import. The rise of apparent anarchy seems to have been in the plans for those who pull strings behind the scenes.
Here's some miscellaneous items of interest.
I Am a Cyborg and I Want My Google Implant Already (9/30/2010 - The Atlantic)
Brain Coprocessors - The need for operating systems to help brains and machines work together. (9/23/2010 Technology Review - MIT)
Don’t Be Evil? 10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World (2/18/2011 - Alex Jones' site)
Romania may get even tougher on witches (2/8/11 - Myway.com)
Does Gates funding of media taint objectivity? (2/19/11 - The Seattle Times)
Russia poised to breach mysterious Antarctic lake (2/4/11 - Reuters)