Really fine print
Binghamton, NY, November 2009
[Click here for more "singles" ridiculousness]
With 7+ billion people on the planet, I get that we need a few rules here and there to keep things under a certain semblance of control.
I am somewhat amused, however, at the near-maniacal way legalese has infected North American life - okay, I'm being's really an American thing - like a case of structural mold in post-Katrina New Orleans. It's everywhere, it's growing, and no one seems to have the willingness or the ability to raise a hand and say. "Enough".
Consider this my enough moment. Because when a silly little McDonald's contest generates more 6-point-font words than I've written over the previous six months, words that most participants will never read let along have a prayer of understanding, something is wrong. Very, very wrong.
Your turn: Why have we reached this point? How do we back away from the edge of the fine print cliff? Am I the only one who finds this nuts?