Fish go to school, too

There's no 'I' in team
London, ON, February 2010
About this photo: Thematic Photographic has gone edible, and will remain edible until next Wednesday. To share your own edibleness, click here and start chewing. Photographically, that is.
Goldfish crackers are nothing new around here. To see just how far back they go in the lore of my family, click here for a column I wrote way back in 2002. Yes, I'm just that old. I'll wait while you read.

[Cue theme from Jeopardy.]

Aaaand we're back. Hope you enjoyed the piece. As we fast-forward to 2010, it's worth mentioning that we still have these crackers in our cupboard. Not the same crackers, mind you, as they'd likely be stale by now, and the 2-year-old referenced in the piece, who is now 9, would not be pleased. Nor would my wife, as I suspect she'd be upset with me for allowing the kids to eat really outdated food.

But I digress.

Bottom line is I love the damn things. They make me happy when I eat them. And heaven knows we all need more reasons to smile. So when I pulled these out at lunchtime, I took a few minutes to pay them an appropriate level of photographic respect.

They made the rest of the day just a little brighter.

Your turn: Your favorite cracker is...? Why?
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