While on watch ... announcing guest appearances on radio - current projects - plus more links

I've been preparing content for an upcoming radio show with Zen Garcia, plus continuing the really fascinating effort of updating the study posted on theopenscroll.com about "pharmakeia," the sorceries of mystery Babylon the Great. The pharmakeia study supports this blog's series featuring The Iron Giant, a cartoon movie that is signaling some key features of Satan's schemes. Until I return to that anticipated next post in the series, I'd like to announce some upcoming guest appearances on radio shows and present some more links to news of interest to those who are like myself, awake and watching the almost overwhelming signs of the Lord Y'shua's coming.

Tomorrow, Monday night, May the 17th, 2010 (Lord willing), I'll be a guest on the radio show with Pastor Butch of Call to Decision on the GCN Network. 9PM Eastern time. Tune in on either AM, FM or shortwave, or listen live online at this link. You will be able to access downloads from the archive some time after the show. You can call in live to comment or ask questions at 800-259-5791.

[Updated 5/5/2011]

Also, coming up on June 7th, I expect to be returning as a guest on fallenAngels.tv BlogTalkRadio as a guest with Zen Garcia. Topic: Reverse Speech, godly and otherwise, and what beans are being spilled about some important topics.

Here's some links of interest.

Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

Simple oil spill cleanup aid video

Found: genes that let you live to 100

Square Mobile Credit Card System (Beta) / iPhone Credit Card Reader Lets You Accept Plastic Anywhere

Intuit to buy health care firm Medfusion
"Intuit added that giving patients quick access to their medical records is one of the requirements for doctors to receive a $44,000 payment funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus bill."

Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests This is old news and partial news, but interesting, nonetheless.
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