Symbolic logos - The History Channel, Verizon and the right triangle

I'm still in the midst of the series on "The Iron Giant" (No - really!) and am at the present time still pretty focused on a collateral study, a major update to what I've posted about pharmakeia. Until it's ready to post I'm continuing with some important peripheral items. First up, some links of interest.

Clinton evolves into Obama's `Mr Fix It'

Here's another striking revelation on the number 9, the single digit number representing the Beast and his mark, a triple helix DNA transformation strategy of Satan. Remember, the iron giant was dismembered in that movie heavily identified with the number nine and its theme. US actor cuts off neighbor's head, then kills friend
"Daniel Wozniak, who recently starred in the lead role as Guido Contini in the musical "Nine" at a theatre company, is accused of dismembering the body of Samuel Herr, 26, on May 21, leaving his torso at the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base and scattering the limbs and head in a park. "

Human-animal hybrids in life vs. death struggle

Scientist infects himself with computer virus
"Our research shows that implantable technology has developed to the point where implants are capable of communicating, storing, and manipulating data," Gasson said in a news report. "This means that, like mainstream computers, they can be infected by viruses, and the technology will need to keep pace with this so that implants, including medical devices, can be safely used in the future."

Census workers can enter your apartment in your absence

The other day a friend pointed out the recently updated logo of The History Channel. I've been considering what that might mean for a while, and now I'd like to share some insight into that and a related logo, Verizon's, which has an important symbolic element in common with that of The History Channel.

The History Channel logo presents a large golden letter H as its main feature. We think "History," of course, but it really signifies Horus on a deeper level, the featured god of The History Channel's backers. The golden color is one clue, which is the color of the statue's head, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, in Daniel 2. In Isaiah 14 a figure is used where the king of Babylon is a metaphor for Satan. And, Satan is associated with Horus as the dragon is to the Beast in Revelation 13. This compares to another Horus identity, the golden Apollo in this poster promoting the 1936 "Nazi" Olympics.

The Roman Catholic Church, which preserves the Horus worship tradition in many ways, presents the solar disk where we see The History Channel's font type for the H in use. The IHS has nothing to do with the son of the Most High Yahweh, but everything to do with Isis, Horus and Set, a trinity of gods worshiped in their Egyptian identities. The "christian" cross on the crossbar of the letter H is the Triple Tau cross.

This Triple Tau cross emblem, placed in the center of a triangle and circle -- both emblems of the Diety -- constitutes "the jewel of the Royal Arch" as practiced in England, (pictured in a Masonic patch on the right) where it is so highly esteemed as to be called the "emblem of all emblems," and "the grand emblem of Royal Arch Masonry."

You see on the left another popular Roman Catholic version of the IHS solar disk that features an additional layer of occult symbolism, highlighting the triple helix DNA transformation that is such a key element in the scheme being signaled. Like The History Channel, their version of HISTORY is all about honoring Horus and preparing for His return.

The stylized H of The History Channel logo has four deltas within, two pointing up and two down, one pair in each pillar. Each opposing pair signals the sons of god with the daughters of men.

The red elements are three in number and they are mixed with the white, signaling the triple helix blend of white divine sons with red earth Adamic daughters of men. When watching the History Channel and the logo is presented, these elements are added in a sequence to the H. The long base suggests one pyramid partly enclosing the Horus H, if you trace the lines suggested by the angled ends to a point. That point is at the top of the H crossbar. The two elements at the lower left by themselves form a right-pointing delta, which isn't really a signal delta in the default alignment because it points neither up nor down. However it is a right triangle. When these two on the left are considered together with the third red line on the bottom, another right triangle is formed.

Right triangles are signaling what is generally attributed to Pythagoras by the occult societies. The vertical element typically signifies the heavenly sons of god and the horizontal, the daughters of men, with the hypotenuse representing their union - the triple-helix offspring.

For the right pointing triangle of The History Channel logo, the hypotenuse itself is vertical, so it seems a little weak compared to similar symbols.

Another popular occult logo featuring a right triangle belongs to Verizon Wireless. It includes a red right triangle that means the same as every other Pythagoras version used for signaling Satan's schemes. Theirs is aligned so it resembles a check mark, seeming to signal "ok." Notice how the letter Z is called out, which should be familiar to those of you who follow this blog. Zeus. Z for Zeus, equivalent to Osiris, aka Satan, the serpent, dragon and father of Horus/Apollo/Jupiter, etc.

These images are from some promotional marketing materials I received in the snail mail a few months back. Real subtle, eh?

"The Technological Transformation Has Begun." Hint. Hint.

"Get Ready to Rule the World." Hint Hint.

Yeah, we get it. Brag, Brag, Brag. The Zeus/Horus ploy will bring the Beast and the mark of the Beast. But yet, my God reigns in truth and His kingdom is in Heaven now and will come on Earth as it is in Heaven - soon!

9) wherefore, also, God did highly exalt him, and gave to him a name that [is] above every name,
10) that in the name of Jesus every knee may bow -- of heavenlies, and earthlies, and what are under the earth --
11) and every tongue may confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11 (Young's Literal Translation)


Just after I posted this blog I checked my email. The first thing I noticed was the email from Verizon Wireless - the "Media Store Newsletter" they spam their subscribers with. This doesn't really need commentary does it? It's just so much more of the same. Oh, Lord. What an onslaught.

Draw those who will be saved, Lord. Draw them near and love them up big.
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