Gentle what?
Brantford, ON, March 2009
You can't help but smile at the irony of the name attached to this dimly lit, run-down building hard by the tracks that houses a business that many would define as questionable. I've met many gentlemen in my life, and I'm willing to bet few, if any, of them would darken the doorway of a place like this.
But who am I to judge others' language choices? Folks who choose this line of work toss around words like "classy" and "discreet" as well, and no one seems to pay them much notice.
Still, when these "establishments" close up shop for good, few of us lament their passing. And as my train pulls out of the station, I'm perfectly content to leave this one behind as well.
Your turn: Oxymoronic language on signs. Please discuss.