It's been a heads-down week of work, evening meetings, more work and more evening meetings. As I walked the dog at 3 a.m. earlier today, it dawned on me that this week is a little out of balance and something's got to give.
So far, the "give" list includes this blog, as I've spent almost no time here all week. You may have also noticed that Thematic Photographic didn't get posted last night. I think I may give it a week's rest, as I want to see what it's like when I'm not following a theme for the week. Please feel free to suggest themes in comments below. I'll keep posting here, of course, but we'll keep it free-form for the next few days.
More later. I've got to button up some work before I get on the bike - yes, folks, I'm back to the bicycle commuting life, trekking across town and praying London's texting, coffee-drinking and car stereo-fiddling drivers don't turn me into a hood ornament. Another cool day of opportunity awaits at the office, assuming I make it there in one piece.
Your turn: What's the one thing you're looking forward to today?