Where's the Michelin Man?

Tracked changes
London, ON, February 2010
About this photo: It's a winter-themed Thematic Photographic week, so if you've got something white - or even something that in an abstract sense makes you think of winter - click here to participate.
I don't even want to think about what was going through the stranger's head as he watched me grab this quick moment in the shopping mall parking lot. In our paranoia-infused post-9/11 world, any behaviors that deviate even slightly from the so-called norm are increasingly likely to result in someone surreptitiously calling the police on you. To wit, my not-quite-a-body-in-a-garbage-bag experience earlier this week*.)

But I figured I had about 15 seconds to record this stark moment for posterity before either falling snow or, more likely, a parade of motorists rushing to the pharmacy for on-sale baby powder, turned this ephemeral scene into just a memory.

Something tells me my skeptical witness didn't much care about the big picture here, as I believe I was crouched between him and his baby powder. So as soon as I was done, I slung the camera back over my shoulder and disappeared into the dimming grey late afternoon.

Your turn: Ever behave oddly in public? How? Why?

* I've been watching the headlines since then. No reports of missing folks or recently-uncovered murders. So my conclusion is this guy was dumping garbage. Either way, a doofus extraordinaire. And next time, I'm calling it in.
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