Nowhere to row
London, ON, April 2009
I know there's a story to this, and it probably has something to do with Storybook Gardens (our city-run theme park), some humorless staffers at City Hall and a lost memo that's kept this fading piece of everyone's childhood marooned in a city depot for the better part of the past couple of years.
However Feivel the Mouse (I don't think this little fellow has a name, but I've always like the name of the main character from An American Tail*. But I digress...) came to be here, I always feel a little sad when I pass by and see him still wedged between the seemingly discarded snow shovel blades, going nowhere. Mind you, there's something to be said for little slices of happy popping up in the most unexpected places. So perhaps in that light he's right where he belongs.
Your turn: Where's he headed? Where should he end up?
*Feivel was my grandfather's name. He died a month before the movie was released, and it was a poignantly bittersweet experience to see the movie so soon after he passed away. The character's name in the film is spelled "Fievel", but I figure it's close enough.