I've got a couple of places to go and people to see this morning, so actual writing and blogging here at Written Inc. will have to wait until later today. But as the crisis in Europe widens over the erupting volcano in Iceland (for the record, the earth is spewing from a vent in the Eyjafjallajökull glacier. Say it 10 times fast. I'll wait. But I digress) I find myself thinking back to the contrail-themed entry, Painters of the sky, that I posted here early Friday.
When I first wrote it, the full extent of the eruption hadn't become clear. So I wasn't particularly focused on the near-full shutdown of western European airspace and the billions of dollars lost and incalculable inconvenience caused. Now I am, and I'm reminded that for all the technology in the world, we're still very much subject to the seemingly random whims of this incredible planet of ours.
Your turn: Got a power-of-nature story to share?