
Guess what grows on trees
Montreal, QC, August 2009
About this photo: Thematic Photographic explores trees through this coming Wednesday. Head this way if you've got some leafy goodness of your own to share.
My son, Zach, was having quite the afternoon, tagging along with me on a grand adventure in downtown Montreal. I had just done two televised interviews, one with CTV and the other with the CBC, and we were walking back to the car on a gloriously sunny early evening.

We weren't in a particular rush to get back - rush hour was still raging and we figured a little dawdling on our way to the parking lot would save us some traffic time - so we found ourselves taking in the sights of this alternately busy and gritty neighborhood.

We both stopped, speechless, when we came across the box of takeout hanging from the tree. It had clearly been left by a litterer with a sense of humor, if not much of an environmental conscience. We shrugged our shoulders at the silliness of it all, because a rather empty garbage can was just a few meters away on the sidewalk.

Your turn: The creative ways we litter. Please discuss.
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