To understand the Olympic rings logo is to see it as a fit symbol for the goals and objectives of the promoters of Olympism.
While some dismiss Obama as a passing phenomenon of empty hubris, arrogance and ego, those of us who understand what the symbolic imagery means realize that he's merely aware of his exalted position. As the hidden ring of Olympism, he recognizes his role as the current capstone of the pyramid. We have learned how this identity must be signaled according to the way of the occult, just as it was with Hitler, and so we watch and consider deeply what is signaled to learn what the Lord who reveals would have us to know. Obama is keeping an appointment that is ultimately intended to fulfill America's destiny.
The changing versions of his logo and the ways it's being leveraged in the imagery promoting his programs suggest these are something of a "progress bar" indicator, like you see when you transfer files on your computer. For example, let's compare the official imagery promoting the "Health Reform" agenda to the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill.
See how the busy ornamentation and scrolling banner motifs from the Federal Reserve note are picked up and used to cradle the illuminating pyramid of Obama's seal? The pyramids on both are in their appropriate settings.
A greater light actually lights the scene, streaming from behind the Obama ring and gemstone-like or trophy plate setting. By tracing down the rays to locate the position of the unseen light source we discover that, whatever it is, has not yet breached the horizon. It is coming but is not yet birthed.
The bold statement "YES WE CAN" shouts rebellion in the sovereign God's face, who has made it very clear that declaring what things will be is His own business. The reverse speech of that expression in that context presents a distinct "thank you Satan" to the hearer, expressing gratitude to whom it is due for the "Health Reform" action that brings the dawning of the greater light.
Like a progress indicator bar, the Apollo Obama brand agents are signaling our current status, that the coming greater incarnation of Apollo is being "uploaded" now, facilitated by the success of the "Health Reform" effort!
"Health Reform" is not the same as "Health Care Reform." Make no mistake, if the word "Care" was intended to appear, it would. We know the sales and marketing of the deal leads everyone to casually think "Health Care Reform." If anyone even noticed the omission of the word "Care," they would likely dismiss it, thinking, "Health Reform, Health Care Reform, same difference - whatever." The occult imagery reveals, however, that the agenda here is, quite frankly, to transform you into a Beast worshiping beast or kill you. This is Health Reform! They are simply stating what they mean, in plain language, in plain sight! Two words basically define health; wholeness and holiness. (Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper) To reform is simply to form again, to remake in another form. Over and over and over and over again in this blog you have read how a triple helix transformation is planned to remake the man created in the image of His Creator into the serpent's own image. This is Health Reform. Health Care Reform is just a pretext.
Apollo Obama, the exalted hidden ring of the present day is a forerunner, an "Olympischer Fackellauf" torch bearer in the relay. He is successfully running his leg of the relay, holding the torch high whose flame and projecting dark light holds the rapt attention of all under its seductive spell. Another, still out of sight, awaits the appointed day.
I learned today (Thanks Gwen!) another feature of the Vancouver Olympics poster. As with the logos of the bracketing Olympics, the word ZION can be assembled from the pieces of the Vancouver 2010 image.
This Zion is their reference to the "New Jerusalem" that is the assembled head and body, the Beast-capped pyramid, which is identified for us by the properly folded poster itself.
What I intend to present in the next few posts will expose how the hidden ring as been known to be the key long before the rings logo came to the minds of de Coubertin or Jung.