I just posted another reverse speech video to YouTube:
Nancy Pelosi- Reverse Speech - "Con, well worth this"
Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, was instrumental in bringing ObamaCare to Americans. "ABC World News" anchor Diane Sawyer interviewed her on March 22nd, the day after the legislation cleared the only apparent hurdle. This video presents some of what I heard when I played some of Pelosi's responses backwards. I was not surprised to find in this more validation of what many of us already know about where this shady deal is leading. The interviewer and sponsoring media is, of course, complicit. Are these your friends? Do you have ears to hear?
Here's some other links of interest. "Eat the fish - spit out the bones," as always.
Obama Hypnosis techniques
PositiveID , IBM, Verichip , and the Fourth Reich
Kevin Rudd's e-Health bill paves the way for PositiveID human implantable RFID microchips
Oracle to pay $685 million for health care app firm
Oracle to acquire Relsys